Chapter 5

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Lizzie had heard the doorbell, but she waited a good while before she headed down the stairs. She wanted to give Janet and Charlie a chance to have some time alone before she came downstairs. When she thought what was a decent amount of time had gone by, she started downstairs. She stopped short, and caught the tail-end of something Charlie was saying, "I know this would do him some good, but there are things from his past that keep him away and running in the other direction."  As Lizzie, heard that, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who they were talking about. So, Darcy was not coming after all? Lizzie was just about to go the rest of the way downstairs, when her cell phone buzzed. She had just received a text. It was from Charlotte, her best friend, and one of the nurses at Hope. The text said, "Lizzie, please come now!"  Lizzie knew that Charlotte only sent her a text when it involved Gracie. Lizzie became panicked! Lizzie didn't hesitate about going the rest of the way down the stairs. When she got down the stairs, Charlie and Janet got up from the couch and came toward her.Janet introduced Charlie. Charlie stuck his hand out for Lizzie to shake. "It's nice to meet you Lizzie." "It's nice to meet you, Charlie." Lizzie gave Janet a hug. "I hope you guys are okay if I don't go with you tonight. I just got a text from Charlotte that I need to head up to the hospital." Janet gave her a look of compassion, "Oh I hope everything is okay with Gracie." "Me too Janet, me too."


As Darcy sat there, with a glass of wine in front of him, he re-read the letter from the director of Hope. After reading it again, he sat the letter back down. It had been so long since he had sat foot in any hospital. He had been angry that the doctors couldn't cure Sophie. He had been there every step of the way, holding her hand. There had been times when it got tough,but she taught him how to brave, by the bravery she showed everyday. He would hear her cries of pain sometimes, and go off cry. Yes, he Darcy, cried. It seemed there were no more tears left in him. He had been frustrated because he wanted to take her pain away. On the night that she had died, Darcy was sitting by her bedside. In a voice that was barely audiable, she said, "I feel like this is it, Darcy. Please promise me something. Promise me that your heart will be filled again with love, that you won't shut people out. If you shut yourself away, then you will forever be un-happy. I love you so much, and I am so proud of how brave you have been when I know how hard this has been on you. But it's time's time to let me go. I wish I could stay here forever, but I will save a place for you." Her breathing had become more labored. With all that was in him, he said, "You may go now my sweet Sophie. I'll love you forever." Darcy leaned over, and with rears rolling down his cheeks, kissed her for what he knew would be the last time. He got up slowly, looked out the window, and knew that he had kissed his wife for the last time.

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