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Hayes's POV:

We have just landed in Washington and Ziön was asleep on my shoulder as we walked through the airport.

It was late at night and we didn't tell the fans we were going to Washington so there wasn't any here, so they couldn't of woke him up.

Once we got to the hotel we put the twins to bed as they were both asleep and had food earlier so they didn't go bed hungry and ordered food in.

When it got to midnight we all went to sleep so we can go to the orphanage tomorrow.

*Next morning*

"Nash is Zoë okay?"

"Not really she looks pale."

Right now I'm in the little kitchen area with Ziön and Nash is with a sick Zoë.

"I don't think she's well enough to be going out in this cold weather I'm going to stay with her." Nash said as he came into the kitchen.

"Okay, we will all go tomorrow and find Romona."

"No you go with Luke and Ziön and find her we need her back."

"I'm staying with Zoë, I need to make sure she gets better" Ziön states.

"You sure Ziön?"


"Okay want me to bring anything back for you from the store?"

"Can I please have a toy or some candy?"

"Sure little dude."

"Luke you wanna come store with me before we go to the orphanage?" I asked as he came into the room.

"Okay let me get my shoes."

We went to wal-market and got some medicine for Zoë and I got them both a toy, candy and chocolate milk.

Once we got back we went straight to the orphanage Luke's mom gave us the address to go to.

*skip car ride*

"Hello, are you here to adopt or foster?"

"Were here to ask about Romona Williams."

"Romona Williams? Are you sure that's her name as we only had Romona Camilo."

"That must of  been her moms last name." I said to Luke.

"Umm, guys she's been gone for a while now I say about 2 1/2 months."

"So you know her."

"No I only started working here a month ago but all the kids here can't stop talking about her."

"Can you tell us where she is please?"

"I'm sorry I can't as there was a little fire in the office and burnt all the files in the cabinet."

"No back up on a computer?" Luke asked

"Only a back up on a memory stick and the boss has that and she's on holiday I'm sorry guys."

"It's fine we will try to find her it's a Sunday she is usually about as she doesn't like being inside too long."

"Good luck guys, I hope you find her."

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