Chapter One - Coming Home

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"And you promise that you'll owl us every week?" Hermione asked Harry for what seemed like the hundredth time

 "Promise!" Harry almost shouted, exasperated.

 Harry was leaving to go to Hogwarts without his two closest friends, with Hermione already more than qualified to have a job high up in the ministry, and Ron, after discovering Ice Cream when on an outing in Muggle London, stressing the importance of sharing it with the rest of the wizarding world.

 Hermione was getting really emotional, even though she still had Ron. It was Harry that was going to be thrown back alone, Harry thought to himself, slightly annoyed.

 "Right Hermione, lay off him" Ron said, also starting to tire of Hermione's constant nagging. Wanting, just as much as Harry, for them to have a smooth, non-teary eyed parting.

As much as Harry felt guilty about it, he smiled to himself knowing that there would be no Hermione to act like his teacher, where homework had to be done immediately. It always amazed Harry that Hermione had such a strong work ethic, Harry chuckled to himself, knowing that with Hermione in charge, there would be no stragglers in the ministry. God help anyone who was not up to Hermione's standards.

Younger wizards who had never passed through the magical gateway before surrounded the three. Their eyes wide with amazement, all eventually admiring the scarlet train that would take them to the wizarding school, the place that they would eventually call their second home. Three stood awkwardly, not sure how to continue, then Hermione dragged them into a group hug nearly crying. "we'll miss you Harry" Hermione sobbed.

 Harry was about to reply when he heard the train whistle go off, so shouting his good byes, Harry dragged his luggage on board, just like all of the other students having to pry themselves from family.

Harry was walking down the train, looking for a cabin that he could occupy for the rest of the train journey to Hogwarts, where he wouldn't either be treated like some higher being, and just an equal.

 As he slowly walked past, younger witches and wizards gawked at him, their murmurings blending into one low level noise that didn't seem to fade. Harry Potter was returning, and this was delightful news for many, as now not only was he the Boy Who Lived, but also the Boy who stopped The Dark Lords reign of terror and destruction upon all those that opposed him. Some eyed him with caution, for siblings had died for Harry.

Soon he was nearing the end of the train, starting to get nervous that no one that he was friends with had returned to finish their education, would he have to endure his last year with no one? Would he have no fellow Gryffindors to finish his education with? But then Harry's nerves were settled and his pace escalated quickly when he saw a flash of red hair enter a cabin. Ginny. 

Harry was dying to see Ginny, he hadn't talked to his girlfriend in what seemed to be the longest two weeks of his life. She had gone to see Charlie over the last week of break, and he couldn't owl her as he still hadn't replaced his owl after... 

And for some reason she didn't owl him either. Although Ginny didn't really have an excuse, that didn't matter to Harry right now though, he was just really happy that they would be together again. Anticipation was building up inside him. Excitement was ballooning up inside of him until he felt ready to burst. But when Harry practically jumped into the Cabin ready to pour his heart out about how much he missed her, about how they would have a entire year together and how they would be in each others company almost all of the time,  he felt the searing pain of heartbreak course though his body. 

  A small part of Harry wondered if this was what Voldemort felt when Neville killed Nagini, not something which you dearly cared about dying, Harry certainly had plenty of experience with that. But the Horcrux side of the pain; When you had invested a part of your very soul into another being, put every ounce of trust into something and for it to then be ripped out of you, destroyed. For the sight that was on front of Harry not only chilled him to the bone, but filled him with a fiery anger that he knew would never fully be extinguished.  

For before him, Ginny was passionately kissing Dean Thomas.

Their bodies were melted into one, throbbing mess. And the only way harry was able to decipher who was Ginny and who was Dean was they difference in hair colour and skin tone. Dark, long tendrils ran through shifting fire and Harry felt sick.

Harry didn't even bother saying anything, he just turned around and paced away with a determination to get as far away from Ginny Weasley as possible. To get away from the lying, cheating bitch that he had fallen in love with. Harry registered Ginny calling after him in a corner of his mind, but he didn't try to respond, he just kept storming down the train corridor with disgust. It all made sense now, Harry realised. Ginny probably didn't even visit Charlie, she was probably fucking Dean while he was pouring out his feelings onto parchment.

These thoughts almost made Harry sick, knowing that he was none the wiser the whole time. Ginny probably spent her nights laughing at Harry's letters with Dean, laughing at Harry's blissful ignorance.

Harry was so wrapped up in his rage to realise Ginny was catching up with him until she turned Harry around with enough force so that they were face to face. Ginny's eyes were already puffy and red, her face streaked with tears of guilt but Harry felt no sympathy towards her, only resentment.

"Harry, I'm so so so so so sorry" sobbed Ginny, hiccups erupted in between every word that escaped her puffy lips. "you've got to believe me, I'm so sorry" continued Ginny.

 "For what Gin? For snogging the face off of bloody Dean Thomas?!.. For ignoring me for two weeks straight? Or for just Getting caught in the first place?" Harry retorted, his words laced with venom.

"You've got to believe me Harry, it was just one mistake!" Replied Ginny "Oh really?" countered Harry "So were you actually in Romania with Charlie? Or were you with Dean?" Harry said, his voice slowly raising until he was practically screaming, Harry then continued "or even worse, were you playing a game of 'lets see who can shag the most Gryffindors'" At this Ginny went quiet, and Harry let out a low moan "Who was it Ginny? Who else?" Ginny went quiet for a second, seemingly carefully choosing her words so that they would hurt Harry the least, eventually she spoke up "I-It wasn't a Gryffindor, it was... "then Ginny went really quiet for a second, then murmured a name barely audible "Blaise Zabini" 

 Harry looked down at Ginny with disgust, making her cower in fear, but he didn't say anything. 

He just turned the other way and continued walking away from her. The girls who had taken to bed one of their world enemies.

 Only now realising that practically everyone was staring at him, some with sympathy. While others, mainly Slytherins, with delight. Ecstatic to to see the Golden Boy in pain. And finally, many girls looked upon Harry Potter with hunger.

                                                                              Because now, Harry James Potter, was single.


Hiii, so this is my first real attempt to write anything that will be of such a length I'm hoping to bring this to. I know that it will have grammatical errors and stuff. I promise that I'll try to improve on that..

But can anyone reading this please not only vote but comment if you enjoyed this, cause there really isn't much point if its no good ^-^ Hope you like my tiny corner of the internet


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