Chapter Four - Plengle Berries

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The feast had been a long and lonesome event that dragged on for far to long in Harry's opinion. The grand ceremonial feast to open the school year wasn't anything like what Harry remembered it to be, he remembered being surrounded by friends, chatting noisily and catching up with people. But Harry was silent. Throughout the entire night, not a single word escaped the young mans lips.

Harry just wanted to escape the hall and climb into the same bed which he had missed so much, to climb under the covers and let the thick, black and heavy veil of sleep flow over him.

Tiredness had slowly descended on his body until Harry was nearly unconscious from where he sat. The exhaustion slowly trickled down his body, starting at his eyelids before slowly claiming more and more of his body. Until even his feet felt dead, anchoring him to the ground.

The mental and physical exhaustion from the days' events were finally catching up with him, and soon all of the noise that was echoing around the hall faded into the back of his mind as one constant hum of chatter. Harry had to pull himself back into consciousness to hear what Luna was saying beside him.

At some point Harry picked up that Luna was now counted as a Senior as her efforts in the war had bot gone unnoticed.

"Harry, you look awfully tired, do you want one of my plengle berries?" Luna asked with concern in her voice. She then reached into her robe pocket and when her hand came back up she was holding berries that looked suspiciously like ordinary blue berries.

"W-what are they meant to do?"Harry asked, sounding slightly dazed from being so tired. Slightly sceptical that Luna's berries had any effect at all.

"The're quite rare actually, father uses them when he's tired but has to do research late at night. They give you lots of energy to keep you awake." Luna replied, but before she could go off on a story about the berries Harry had grabbed a handful of them and was cramming them into his mouth.

At first it felt like fireworks were exploding inside him, filling him with energy. Harry's perception sharpened and he could hear every individual conversation that was going on in the hall. But the fireworks quickly died, and when they left, so did he feeling Harry had on his tongue.

"Harry, why didn't you let me finish? If you have too many then the exact opposite effect takes place." Luna squealed with urgency and panic.

"Oh" was all that Harry was able to say before his last grip on consciousness was lost and his head fell to the table, luckily as he wasn't eating the anything before hand his head didn't land on a plate of food.

"It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." A boy with slicked back hair and piercing grey eyes said clearly. Stating a fact more than asking.

The small crowd parted quickly for the boy to casually stroll up the stairs with his head held high. Two larger boys followed him like lost puppies.

"This is Crabbe" The taller boy motioned to the slightly bigger goon to his right with a quick nod of head.

"And Goyle" He then motioned to the other looming brute of a boy. Both of the boys slightly stiffened as they eyed Ron, who was looking at the boy with disgust.

"And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" The ginger let out a snort beside him.

"Think my name's funny, do you?" Draco sneered at Ron with hatred burning with his eyes.

"No need to ask yours. Red hair, and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley." Malfoy spat, like there was a vile taste with even speaking the name.

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