Chapter Fifteen - Breakup's and Make up's

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Thursday and the teaching hours of Friday came, happened and passed relatively smoothly. Besides from when one student refused to be taught by Draco, who had been labelled the "Traitor and murderer" by the feisty Gryffindor, all was well for the two new teachers. Except for that minor dispute, the last two days of the duo's first-week teaching went splendidly, leaving both men in marvellous moods.

One aspect of teaching which Harry had forgotten to take into account was adding and taking away points from houses. Harry felt like he was betraying the Great Godric Gryffindor himself every time he had to dock points from his house, which had become uncomfortably common. Harry also felt great pangs of guilt every time he felt obliged to give points to Slytherin, which he had assumed Draco would do, but the blond seemed to take great pleasure in watching Harry reluctantly say; "Great work, twenty points to Slytherin."

The two were lounging about on a slightly overstuffed sofa in the Eighth Year Common room. Which they had discovered would still reveal itself to them both when they were on a rendezvous around the castle together, simply talking.

"You know Harry, I've been talking to some of my friends in the year below us, and apparently you two are both fabulous teachers." Luna dreamily said as she came to sit across from the two young men.

Harry heard a snort of amusement which originated from a dark skinned boy, whose arm was slung around a pale shoulder partially hid by locks of ginger hair. The latter person was sitting mute and shifting uncomfortably by the sudden attention to her and her partner.

Before Harry had time to react Draco was already on his feet and glaring at Dean. "Something funny Thomas? Do let us in on the joke." He spat.

"No, it's nothing. Just Loony Lovegood having friends. Hold on a sec, I'm just going to check out the window, see if the pigs have finally learned to fly."

"Why wouldn't Lovegood have friends, Thomas? Because she's weird? Because she's not like you? I'll have you know that Luna and I talk, I'm her friend. And from what she's said, so is Potter." Draco hissed through gritted teeth.

"Oh, she must be popular then. Friends with a death eater and the boy who -even with all his fame and fortune - couldn't keep his girlfriend." Dean countered smoothly.

Harry jumped from his sitting position just in time to hold Draco back when he attempted to lunge for Dean.

As he was restraining the struggling Blond he noticed that Ginny was shifting ever more uncomfortably under her boyfriend's arm. Dean, however, was too preoccupied with his taunts to notice.

"Let me go, Potter. No one talks like that to me and gets away with it. Just you wait, Thomas." Draco said angrily, his face red and his hair dishevelled from his struggling.

"Oh, you two are friends now? I've got to say, I wasn't expecting that. What are Ron and Hermione going to say, Harry? Do they even know?" Dean said calmly, his words laced with malice.

"Keep them out of it Dean. I don't want you coming anywhere near me, Malfoy or Luna. Understood?" Harry comanded, wanting to leave and end the squabble before it escalated further.

"Or what Potter, what will you do? Take away house points?" Dean retaliated.

"Dean, enough!" Ginny exploded, shoving the hand which had previously hung around her shoulder off. "I'm sick of you acting like you are any worse off from the war than the rest of us. I lost one brother, I didn't see Ron for months!" Ginny was now standing opposite Dean with her arms on her hips. "Honestly, you've changed more than bloody Malfoy! And how dare you even think of mocking Luna, while we were all sitting here in Hogwarts, sticking together and surviving, she was locked up in some dusty old Cellar! If it wasn't for her, then that bloody diadem wouldn't have been destroyed! She has done more in that war than the rest of the year we're supposed to be in combined! If it wasn't for the fact that she doesn't give a bloody damn about what people like you think, then she wouldn't have spoken out."

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