Chapter Six - Shackles

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Harry struggled and strained against the shackles, trying to see if he could shake off his bindings but to no avail. The cool metal surrounding his wrist seemed to be made for him specifically, the cuff felt almost skin tight. And when straining the metal dug into Harry's skin like ice scraping against flesh.

Constantly straining against the shackles to no avail was tiring, so after Harry quickly gave up on escaping the shackles he started to wiggle his behind, trying to worm his way up the bookcase into a standing position.

Harry had spent five solid minuets sweating profusely from the effort of getting his back slowly up the shelve, and so far he had managed to raise himself off of the ground by a whole fifteen centimetres. Harry swiftly gave up, knowing that he was getting nowhere, but as he let himself drop he swayed right slightly. This meant that when Harry landed, he fell to the right.

Harry let out a low groan when his shoulder hit the cold floor. The position was quickly making his right shoulder numb so Harry turned around so that he was on his stomach, his chin resting on the ground. The position was still awkward with the shackles restraining Harry but it was a slight improvement.

Just as Harry had settled he saw shining black shoes coming towards him at a slow pace, as he was stuck on the ground he had to strain his neck upwards to see the shining hair that belonged to Malfoy.

Malfoy was looking down at Harry but there was no smug smirk, no scolding sneer. There was only an icy hatred that burned through his eyes, and suddenly Harry realised how vulnerable he was to the hands of Malfoy.

 Harry was scathing, Malfoy, the Ex-Deatheater had the audacity to not only return to Hogwarts, but to chain him up in an isolated Library."Malfoy, I swear. Let me out right now or-"

"You'll do what Potter? You'll hurt me? You'll escape and report back to McGonnagall?" Malfoy asked, his reply no more than a whisper, it was filled with venom that had Harry stunned to a deathly silence.

Harry didn't say anything.

When Malfoy realised that he had hushed Harry he continued "Did you come to hurt me? To strike me at my weakest moment, while I was alone? Or did you just come to gloat? To show off how little people care for me now? ABOUT HOW NO ONE CARES FOR DRACO BLOODY MALFOY!"

Malfoy spat his surname out like it was a food that had lost its taste, discarded.

By this point, Malfoy was shouting at Harry. His voice was shaking and tears were running down his face, leaving trails down his cheeks and face that fell to the ground.

They both stayed silent for a second, and Harry took in how badly Malfoy looked now. His eyes were sunken and hollow, weighed down by heavy purple bags that contrasted the pale skin.

For a few more seconds the stayed silent, Harry not daring to breath and disturb the calm. Then Malfoy murmured something, wand in hand and the shackles vanished, the weight lifted from Harry's hands and he scrambled up, into what vaguely resembled a fighting stance.

"Just follow the path of books which you hold most interest in, they will lead you back to the entrance" Malfoy said, barely above a whisper. He didn't look Harry in the eye, but Harry could sense that there was a burden weighing heavily down on his shoulders.

"Malfoy-" Harry tried, with the intent of  seeing what was troubling him, more for closure than to comfort Malfoy.

"Oh, Fuck off, Potter. I know this may not be a familiar feeling for you especially, but you are not needed here!"

Harry was taken aback by the harshness but didn't say anything, simply turning on his heal and scanning the books. Wanting to return back to bed.


True to what Malfoy said, by the time Harry had reached the books that interested him the most. Books like "An In Depth Knowledge of Corporeal Patronus' " he was just meters away from the stairs leading back to the dorms.

As Harry climbed down the stairs, he heard a deep rumbling from behind him. And turned around just in time to see the shelves shifting. Dust was thick in the air from what was probably the first change in the arrangement of shelves for centuries

Harry hurried his way down the stairs, and as he was descend the stairs he swooped his arm down. Collecting the book he had left earlier.

Harry hurried back to his inviting bed, desperation for more sleep. Harry discarded his robes at the side, before climbing under the covers.

Harry left the thick book he had been carrying next to him on the bedside table, next to his wand.

With that Harry brought the covers over him and let his thoughts scatter, as to let the sleep invade his mind.

But one of the last thoughts that left his mind, and threatened to stay and keep sleep at bay was that there was something haunting Draco Malfoy.

And Harry was determined to find out.


Eyyyyyyyyyyy, guys please can you all comment, I really want to hear what people think about it so far... ANYWAY, More and more people are reading this, yayyyyyyyy.
See you next chapter, stuff's gonna start happening I think, depends how I split the chapter... Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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