Chapter Ten - Seduction

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"No, stay."

These words echoed around Harry's head so fast, so violently, that he couldn't fully comprehend what was being told to him. "I'm sorry, what?" Harry simply asked, not fully believing what Charlie was saying. For some reason him being asked to stay seemed to hold a deeper meaning, darker intentions.

"Stay, just the two of us, eh? I'll get the house elves to bring something up, why not?" Charlie asked, with a slight devilish grin.

Harry was about to reply to how it was compulsory that all Professors had to attend dinner, how since was now head of Gryffindor house, Professor Osborne would be questioned on why he didn't attend the daily feast. But Harry couldn't bring himself to say any of this, surely one night wouldn't do any harm. So after barely a second of internal debating the choice was clear.

"Yeah, why not?"

Charlie then snapped his fingers and almost instantly a house elf appeared with a small 'pop' Before them was a short house elf, painfully alike to Dobby.

"What would Professor Osborne be needing sir?" The short elf said, his eyes respectfully staring down at his bare feet.

"Just some food, I don't mind what, chicken preferably. Bring plenty for both me and Harry here, and take your time, don't worry to much. That is all." The professor said curtly, before dismissing him.

The nameless house elf just nodded its head, before disapparating to rustle up a quick meal for the both of them, in the school kitchens presumably.

"Charlie, how is it house elves can apparate within Hogwarts, but no one else can, except from the Head?" Harry asked suddenly, simply curious.

"I honestly don't know, but surely there are better things you would like to talk about while we have this so rare private time than how Hogwarts works." Charlie replied, his voice starting to deepen ever so slightly.

"Sir, I really don't know what you mean, and unless you have more to tell on the Patronus issue then I don't really think there is anything to talk about." Harry shot back, sounding more short than he had originally intended.

"No, but I was wondering if you have anything you could tell me about yourself. I'm sure that there is much more behind that handsome face than what that hag Reeta Skeeter spews."

Harry hadn't been paying much attention to what Charlie was saying after he had called Harry handsome. Sure it could be just a man-to-man compliment, but it seemed more than that. It was the way he said it, he seemed to push out that crucial word out, like he meant it.

"Uh, sir. I'm sure we could talk about this some other time. But please, can we just talk about something else." Harry asked, starting to get slightly freaked out with the approach that Charlie was making. Also feeling more and more self conscious the more Charlie stared at him, Harry then made his way for the door, intending to leave Charlie to have his dinner on his own if he really wanted to stay in his quarters.

"Harry, I know you are uncomfortable with me right now, but you really are good looking, there is a reason Missus Weasley fell for you. Please stay, we can talk about something else then, come over here."

He didn't want displease Professor Osborne, why would he? He was perfection, he was smart, strong, he was nice to everyone. He was understanding, like when he would talk to students about their problems, which he certainly didn't need to do. He was practically a saint, and he was amazingly attractive.

He was perfect.

Harry slowly made his way to Professor Osborne, if he could bring himself to leave then he would at least make himself comfortable.

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