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~Sunday, Oct 3, 2016~

"McKenna! Get up!" Madison yells from downstairs. I groan and roll around in my sheets hoping she'll let me be, "McKenna, get your ass up!" She yells again, but I just cover my head with a pillow. My continuation of my once peaceful sleep is cut short as she bursts through my door, "McKenna get your ass up now and make me food, Jesus Christ."

I deeply sigh and throw the pillow at her as I get up, "Magic word?" I mumble rubbing my eyes.

"Please. Fucking please," she sighs crossing her arms. I give a short laugh before getting out of bed in only my bra and pajama pants, walking right past her and down the hall, "Finally." She mumbles following from behind me.

I roll my eyes and get out eggs, bacon, some frozen strawberries, and a few other things out of the fridge and freezer. An hour later I pour Madison and I a glass of the strawberry shake I made along with plating the eggs and bacon for us, "Hey Madison!" I yell into the living room.

"What!" She yells back with a strange voice.

"Foods ready!" With that I hear a thump and a small ow before she races into the kitchen. We both sit down the table and munch on our food.

"Hey Kenna," She says taking a bite of bacon, "When's your interview that I set up for you?"

I get up and look at our calendar, "Umm," I trail my finger through the dates till I read October 4th, "It's today at 10," I look at the clock and my eyes go wide, " In an hour!" I race down the hall and toss on a skirt, top, along with putting on my lucky ring. I head to the bathroom brush my teeth, and put on some deodorant, quickly I add some eyeshadow onto my eye along with a wing that could kill, and while swiping some pink liquid lipstick on I turn on my curling iron. Once it's heated up enough I curl my hair and twist two sides together, pinning them down with my two leaf bobby pins. Grabbing my phone and purse I practically sprint down the hall and toss on my nude heels. I spray a small bit of the perfume we leave down here and walk out the door saying a quick goodbye to Madison.

 I spray a small bit of the perfume we leave down here and walk out the door saying a quick goodbye to Madison

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"See ya there!" She yells since she has work there half an hour after my interview.

I start up my car and see it's 9:40, "Fuck," I hold out the 'u' as I back out of the driveway. Thankfully, it only took 5 minutes to get to there since we live just outside of the city. I park my car and speed walk towards the building. I open the doors and nearly gawk at the expensive decor, but I carry on either way towards the desk with a nice looking lady sat behind it, "Hello, I'm McKenna and I'm here for the assistant job."

"Oh thank god, I hope he picks you you're the only one not dressed like a hooker," she breathes out, "I'm Perrie by the way and the boss himself will call you in when it's your turn, so take a seat down the hall, " she says dismissing me with a smile. I walk down the hall and into the waiting area and holy crap is this a strip club or a job interview? All of these girls are dressed in the smallest clothes known to man kind. I take a deep breath and sit in the only seat next to a girl with way too much perfume on along with too much cleavage showing.

Person after person is called in behind a large set of black doors, until I'm the only one left sat in the perfume filled room, "McKenna Smith," a raspy voice calls from behind the door. My heart behind the race and my breaths seem to quicken as I get up and open one of the large doors. I shut it quietly behind me not wanting to make much noise. I walk over to a chair sat in front of a dark wooden desk with an expensive looking chair turned around. I sit down in silence before he speaks up as he turns around, "Name's Harry Styles," He stretches he hand across the table to shake mine.

     Holy shit, is he some sort of god?! His brown, curly head of hair falls down to his broad shoulders, jaw line sharp enough to cut cheese, along with his piercing emerald eyes and cherry lips. He is not what I thought my boss may look like.

I quickly snap out of it,"McKenna," I say firmly as I nod my head. His hand nearly covers mine as he shakes my hand before putting his hands together, "So why should I give you a job Miss. Smith?" His deep voice fills my ears, making shivers run down my spine.

     "Well, you needed an assistant and to be honest I don't think you'd want somebody nearly naked being partially a representation of your corporation, Sir."

     "Well, based on the rest of baboons that applied for this job I'm pretty sure you got it. You start tomorrow," a smile appears on my face, "but if you mess up one thing you're fired, understood?"

     "Yes, Harry," I nod my head, getting up from the chair.

     "Call me Mr. Styles,"  he dismisses with two flicks of the wrist.

     "Have a good day Mr. Styles," I close the door behind me and immediately fist bump the air, "Hell yeah," I mumble to myself.

    I walk back down the hall to see Perrie, she notices me and her head perks up, "Did you get the job?" I nod my head and she squeals causing heads to turn, "Finally one who's good," she sighs, "well, I have work to get back to, but see you tomorrow girlie."

     "See ya later Perrie," I walk towards the door after giving her a small wave goodbye.

     "And don't forget to bring a large caramel coffee tomorrow for him," I add it to my mental notes before walking out he door and back to my car with the biggest grin on my face.

Mr. StylesWhere stories live. Discover now