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-Monday, October 4th-

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" My alarm clock blares it's annoying sound over and over again before I finally shut it up with a slap to the snooze button, "Fucking alarm I swear," I mumble rubbing my eyes.

I finally get up out of my warm comforter as I place my feet on the cold wooden floor causing goosebumps to cover my skin as I suck in a sharp breath. Walking down the hall I open Madison's door, "Get up Madison!" I yell before closing the door and heading to the kitchen.

"Fuck off!" She shouts back from her room, rolling my eyes I pour myself a bowl of cereal and a glass of apple juice. Sitting down at the counter I see Madison, "Sup bitch," I nod my head up at her.

She sits down next to me, but it just happened to be right when I finished my breakfast, so I put my dishes in the sink and walk down the hall and to my room.

"What to wear," I mumble to myself. Checking my phone I see it's only 8:30, rummaging through my drawer I pick out a pair of white socks, along with grabbing a white top and a navy skirt from my closest as I walk out of my room and into the bathroom.

In less than twenty minutes I jump in and out of the shower not bothering to wash my hair since it takes forever to dry. I brush my teeth and do the usual as I toss on the clothes I brought and begin doing my makeup. As I jam out to music I dust my eyes with a shimmery light pink eyeshadow with a bold wing flicked to perfection. I apply a glittery rose gold lipstick and just quickly put half of my hair up not minding how it looks.

"Damn McKenna you're on your A-game," Madison snickers as she's still in her pajamas.

"Got lots to do," I quickly say as I run into my room and slip on my navy flats. I tuck my phone away into my bra as I grab my keys and head to my car. Hoping in the car, I put on my seatbelt and back out of the driveway and head to where my new job is.

Finally arriving in front of the very large building I get out and remember what Perrie said yesterday about the coffee, so seeing I have about half and hour left I walk to the Starbucks a couple buildings down and walk in.

"Hello," the worker greets me as I walk in I flash a smile as I walk up to the counter.

"Hi, can I get a large caramel coffee," she types it in before looking up.

"You mean a venti?" She says with a bit of sass in her voice.

I mentally roll my eyes, "Yes, a venti."

I hand her my card and she swipes it through the machine, "Have a good one," she says handing me my card back along with a receipt.

     I step back outside into the chill London air and walk back to Mr. Styles' building.

     "Mornin' Perrie," I chirp sending her a smile as I walk past her to his office.

     "Morning, love,"she looks up from her desk for a moment and sends me a quick smile.

     I check the time and see it's 9:46, I let out a breath and knock on the large door, "Come in," he grumbles from the other side.

     "Good morning Mr. Styles," I smile shutting the door.

     "Get me a coffee," he commands as I turn around towards him.

     "Already did," I walk over to his desk and him it to him as he rolls his eyes.

     "Pftt, it's probably not even the kind I like," he takes a sip and mutters something under his breath.

     "Is it alright Mr. Styles?" I ask smirking.

     "Yes, now please get these papers retyped and checked properly in two days." He puts at least a weeks worth of work in my hands as a smirk plays across his face, causing my eyes to nearly bulge out of my head.

     "S-Sir I can't get this done by then," I stutter, causing him to roll his eyes.

     "Well I guess you really didn't need this job," he comments picking at his nails.

     "No, no, no," I furiously shake my head, "I need this job," literally I'd suck his dick to keep this job.

     "Get going then." I let out a huff and walk over to my small desk in the corner. I begin typing word for word making sure to check every little thing as go along, "Have a good one," Harry says walking out the door probably with that stupid smirk on his face.

     Looking out the window I see it's dark now, "Shit," I mumble throwing my head down onto the stack, "I'll just stay till midnight," I yawn as I get right back to doing what I was doing. I finish the first half and look at the time to see it's 3:30 am, "Well shit," I pinch the bridge of my nose and get up, heading to the coffee room.

     I grab a cheap styrofoam cup and turn on the machine as I wait for it to heat up I quickly text Madison to bring me an outfit for tomorrow, just as I put my phone away it dings. I quickly put my cup under the dispenser and wait for it to fill my cup up with the holy caffeine I needed so dearly. Taking a sip of the black coffee I walk back into the room and turn on the light. Sitting back down I get right back to work. It's nearly 7 in the morning and I've gone through almost 7 cups of coffee as I finish my second to last paper. I let out a yawn as I lay my head on my arm and drift asleep.

    "Miss. Smith," I open my tired eyes to reveal a glaring Harry, "What do you think you're doing?" He snaps, "I can't just walk in and see you asleep here slacking."

     I straighten up, slightly taken aback, "Mr. Styles, excuse me for the slight attitude but I have stayed up till seven working on this and you think you can just waltz in here and tell me that I can't be slacking even though I have one paper left," I glare up at him, "Sorry sir but I just did a weeks worth of work in less than a day, so excuse me if I feel asleep on the desk but you can't tell me not to slack." he cuts me off.

     "Shut up." he says shortly as he walks to his desk.

     "Gorgeous fuckin asshole." I mumble to myself as I finish the last paper.

Mr. StylesWhere stories live. Discover now