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     After an awkward rest of the day with Mr. Styles I bid him a quick goodbye and head home, "Sup Mads," I flash her the biggest smile ever.

"Hey," she looks over at me, away from the t.v, "Jesus Christ your smile could be blinding. What's got you so happy?"

"You know Mr. Horan?" Her eyes nearly pop out of her head.

"You mean the Mr. Niall Horan? One of the top fashion designers in the world along with Liam Enterprises, Lou Boutique, and Harry Styles?" I nod my head, "Holy shit, more info now."

"Well, I sort of spoke up after the meeting with Harry and them and well I told him that a doll-like show would have a better outcome since it's different than their original idea than the typical sexy revealing show."

"True, true," I raise an eyebrow at her, "continue." She says waving her hand at me.

"Well, apparently I'm the main model or some shit, so I get to walk the runway and practice and be around him for two or three weeks, I can't remember which one," she tackles me down as she lets out a fangirling scream.

"Oh my shit, you have to take me with you," I let out a laugh.

"Well, you have to let me live in order for that to happen," she quickly gets up onto her feet, "Well I'll message him," Her eyes dart to my phone as I take it out along with his card.

Me: Hey, It's McKenna

Niall: Oh hey, Harry messaged me already about you staying around me for two weeks preparing and shit.

Me: Yup, and I was wondering if my friend Madison could come with

Niall: Yup that'd be perfectly fine and please in the mean time work out and eat well.

Me: ughhh that means no pizza, I'll try my best.

Niall: haha Good luck :) x

Me: I'll need it 

With that I tuck my phone away to see Madison on the floor nearly dying, "Shit dude, you alright?" I ask looking at her.

"Fuck yeah, I just need to let Mr. Styles know," She quickly sits up before her thumbs begin to fly across her phone.

"While you do your weird shit, I'm going to go workout like I should," She lets out a laugh.

"You workout?"

"Shut up, I can workout if I want," I pout. I go down the hall to my room and toss on leggings, tennis shoes, a sports bra, and a North Face jacket so I don't freeze my tits off, "Bye Madison," I wave as I walk out of the house, putting my ear buds in one by one. "Fuck this," I mutter as I start to lightly jog to the song of "Only" by the queen Nicki Minaj. I jog for at least a solid mile before I pick up my pace. I'd honestly thought I'd be out of breath by now, but I guess that's what softball and band do to you since in both activities with ran a shit ton.

I look down as I keep a steady pace before being knocked down onto my bum, "Shit," I mumble rubbing my bum.

"Sorry about that," I look up to see Harry with his hand held out, "didn't knew you ran," he says helping me up onto my feet.

"I haven't lately due to stuff, but I'm starting up on it again and I still haven't ran out of breath," he looks at me impressed.

"Never say you as an athletic type," I look at him with a slight glare, like bitch who do you think you are besides Harry fucking Styles, "I saw you more of the type to bent over a desk," he whispers into my ear. "See ya at the show in a couple of weeks, "He gives me that attractive damn smirk before running off. Looking back I see his back flex under the shirt, causing my some heart problems because damn. He may be an ass, but he's an attractive ass. I continue to run at least five miles till I decide to turn around and run back. It's around 8:30 by the time I get anywhere near the house.

Being the loving roommate I am, I run to a bakery I normally go to. The bell rings as I walk in causing Jean to look up, "Hey, McKenna," she smiles.

"Hey Jean long time no see," I smile taking out my wallet.

"What can I get you doll-face?" I order two banana muffins for me along with a water and a vanilla cupcake with some cool ass design on top along with a strawberry shake, "That all?" I nod my head.

She goes back and starts grabbing the cupcake and muffins, "How much?"

"On the house love, haven't seen ya in ages," she hands me the two drinks and the food as I try to hand her a bill.

"You really didn't have to," she pushes the bill away.

"You can pay me by some catching up," she puts on a very familiar small smirk that I can't quite put my finger on.

I nod my head and the two of us sit down at a cute little table, "Well, I just got a job this Sunday at a business and now I'm apparently modeling in the upcoming runway show, hence why I'm running and sweaty," she lets out a laugh.

"That'd great hon I'm so glad you're done with your last job, you deserve this," she puts a hand over mine. The bell dings and I look up to see Mr. Styles again.

He looks past me and looks at Jean, "Hey, Nan," my eyes go wide.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. She's your Nan?" I looks at Mr. Styles and then to Jean, "he's your grandson?" They both nod their heads, "Wait since when," I then realize what I said and face-palm, "don't answer that, but why am I just finding out now?"

"I guess it just never came up in our conversations," she laughs.

"Well, I'll let you two get back to whatever and I'll just grab a muffin and be on my way." Jean nods her head before saying an I love you to Harry, which he doesn't return. She turns away hurt but flashes me a smile either way.

"If I may ask what business did you get hired to?" The water gets caught in my throat from the question causing me to cough.

"Sorry," I let out one more cough, "Mr. Styles' business," I say lowly hoping he doesn't hear.

"McKenna! I thought you were done with those days," she looks at me slightly disappointed, "I love him, but he's slept with many women which I'm not proud that he has, no matter how successful," she frowns.

"I am done with those days," I reassure her, "we haven't done anything nor will we, I just needed a job and he happened to have an assistant job open,"she nods her head.

"Just please stay on the right track, I love you like you're Gemma," she laughs.

"Not to be rude, but what do you mean by those days?" Harry asks from behind the counter.

"Nothing, nothing at all. It was great talking to y-you Jean," I jump up out of my chair before rushing out with my food, and giving a quick wave goodbye.

Mr. Styles can never know what I used to do and be like before he hired me.

I open the door to the house and hand Madison her food on the couch, "Goodnight!" I yell running down the hall and into the bathroom, immediately turning on the shower. Stripping down out of my sweaty clothes I hop in the shower and just letting the hot water run down my body as I just think and try to calm down.

Why was he listening?

Would he fire me if he found out?

What would he think?

Is Jean going to tell him?

Would Niall then find out and kick me from the show?

I place my fist onto the side of the shower and just rest my head on it as the memories flood back from what I used to be, taking a deep breath I let the water hit my face for a few seconds before wiping it away with my hands. I wish it could wipe away my regret too, but guess not. Hopefully all will be alright and I'm just over thinking.

I head back to my room and put on my best pair of panties and a bra in case I have to change into clothes for my practice tomorrow, throwing on a pair of shorts I munch on my muffins in bed as I watch a few youtube videos. After only the second video my eyes begin to droop and close, not much later my eyes close shut for the day and I'm out like a light.

Mr. StylesWhere stories live. Discover now