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~Wednesday, October 27th~

"Well shit," I mumble as I turn away from the blinding sun coming to the curtain, since it didn't help my headache at all. The uneasy feeling I felt in my stomach from last night returns, running to the bathroom I thankfully make it to the toilet as I toss everything up. I gag a couple of times more before standing up and flushing the toilet, going over to the sink I rinse out my mouth and spit the water into the sink. Great, a hangover how lovely.

I walk down stairs and goosebumps cover my skin since it's freezing down here. I walk into Harry's kitchen and decide to be nice and make breakfast. After making some pancake dough within ten minutes I wait a second before flipping the cooking dough, "Good morning," Mr. Styles's raspy voice causes chill to run down my spine.

"Good morning, Mr. Styles," I say back as I continue to make the pancakes.

"Don't you mean Daddy?" he laughs, causing a blush to cover my cheeks.

"I was drunk off my ass," my blush deeps as his hand rests onto my shoulder.

"I wouldn't mind you calling me that though," he whispers into my ear.

"O-oh okay," I try to take my focus off of him as his finger runs down from my shoulder and down the middle of my back, "Here you go," I hand him his plate as I finish cooking the dough. Grabbing my own plate I was past him, "Daddy," I let out a laugh as he rolls his eyes. After we finish our breakfast I realize I don't have my shit brought to he club, "Oh my shit, where's my stuff?" I ask jumping up.

"In my coat pocket upstairs, figured you'd end up drunk and forget your stuff," I let out a breath.

"Thank you, by the way where are my clothes?"

"One moment," he walks off somewhere and returns with my undergarments and dress in hand, "Here ya go. You could probably wear this to the meeting we have today," he says shrugging his shoulders.

"Okay, but I'll have to go home to do my makeup and shower," he shakes his head.

"Just shower here, and you can use the makeup that's been sent here from companies I work with," I nod my head as he follows me up the stairs, "the stuff will be on the bed."

"Okay, thank you," I walk into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. Turning on the shower I sadly have to get out of Harry's comfortable jumper. Warm water hits my skin as I look for products to use, I use Harry's guy body wash crap that smells amazing along with his shampoo and conditioner, turning off the shower I wrap a towel around me and I can still smell the products clear as day, but I'm not complaining if I smell like Harry.

Throwing on my clothes I french braid my long, light brown hair before walking out in Harry's bedroom to see makeup set out on the bed, "Thank you!" I yell not knowing where he is.

"You're welcome!" I hear him yell back from downstairs. I just do a simple black wing and a light pink lip before walking downstairs with my stuff in hand, "Shall we go?" he asks adjusting his black blazer.

     "Yup," I smile, following outside to his car.

     After a short ride we make it to Mr. Style's building, holding the door open for me we walk in together, "Morning Pez," I smile.

     "Morning Ken- Mr. Styles?" Perry looks at the two of us confused. 

     "We'll be in my office," he says walking away. I shrug my shoulders and wave goodbye.

     I sit across form him and place my hands in my lap as he places his onto the desk, "So, if you want to model for my company I need you to have a healthy diet, I'm also getting you a personal trainer, then you also will have someone teach how to actually be a model, since I own a fashion line and not a modeling agency I'm going to arrange multiple meetings with renowned agencies and hopefully they accept you, but those meetings will only be after you get to their standards, so until then you'll model for me." I nod my head, trying to make sense of everything, "You'll get paid about $500 each shoot until you get an agent, okay?"

     "Yeah, sound perfect Mr. Styles," I hope things continue to look up.

     Sliding me a one page contract I read over it, "Mr. Styles. It says here that if he or she doesn't meet the standards they're immediately fired."

     A smirk grows on his face, "Well I hope that you're up for a challenge," I let out a deep sigh, "Are you up for it?"

     I sign the paper and slam the pen down onto the desk, standing up and looking straight into his eyes, "Bring. It. On," I glare.

Mr. StylesWhere stories live. Discover now