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     "Damn this muffin is good," I moan.

      "I know right," Madison says agreeing as she takes a bite of her banana muffin.

     "Hello ladies," a voice says from behind me, making me jump. I look over to Madison and her eyes are lit up.

     I look behind me and see it's Ashton,"Hi," I smile.

     "May I?" He asks indicating to the chair that is beside Madison.

     "Of course," her smile brightens as he sits down next to her.

     "So what have you two been up to?" He asks, sipping his coffee.

     "Just went shopping," Madison answers unusually quickly as if she was anticipating for him to say something.

     "Oh, and later I'm going to get her to come with to go look at some cars," his eyebrows rise up.

     "What for? Car go to crap?" I nod my head, "Well, let's just go now I can help look," Madison looks at him, raising her eyebrow.

     "You better let me finish my food," I laughs and rolls his eyes, "what I'm serious," she whines making him laugh more.

     "C'mon piggy let's go," I grab her by the arm as she stuffs the rest of her food into her mouth. Ashton follows behind as we head to the car, "You gonna go in your car, or ride in my crappy one?"

     He shrugs his shoulders, "I'll just ride in yours, I don't mind," I mumble a quiet dammit since I didn't want him to see it, but whatever.

     "Sorry for the mess," I mumbling unlocking the car and getting into the driver's seat, " So where to?" I ask turning around to Ash.

     "Just go straight past the first two lights and then turn right and turn onto your right where you first see the cars," I nod my head and pullout of where I was parked, following just as Ashton says I turn right into a high end looking dealership.

     I park and turn back towards him, "Uh, is this right?" 

     He nods his head, "Yup," he says pooping the p, "Well come on," Madison and I follow him and I see cars worth more than everything I own.

     "Jesus Christ," I mumble.

     "Choose anything you want," he says out of no where.

     "Is there like a cheap part of this place?" he shakes his head no.

      "Literally, you can choose anyone of these. I want to buy this for you," I nod my head completely stunned. After at least half an hour of looking around I find the perfect car. A  white Zenvo ST1, I've never heard of it before, but it's just so pretty.

     I tug Ashton by the sleeve and show him it, "Would this be alright?" he nods his head.

     "Of course," he walks over to some guy and chats with him and hands him something before walking over, "Let's go, he hands me keys," with a smile on his face, "We have to go outside."

     "I honestly can't believe you still bought that for me ," I mutter.

     "Dude this car is gonna be sweet fam, we gonna pull up to those parties looking fly as crap," she rambles.

     "I know right dude," I fist bum her, " This is so surreal."

     She nods her head, " Thank god you got that job," she laughs making me rolls my eyes.

     We wait in the parking lot for them to bring out the car, after a few minutes of waiting I see the white car come out of the garage. They park it right by us and the guy hops out, "Thank you for your purchase," he shakes Ashton's hand, "Have a good one," he flashes a smile before walking off.

     "Well there ya go," he smiles.

     Tears well up in my eyes, "Sorry," I mumble trying to calm myself, "things have just been changing so much for the better and I just can't believe it," I explain not wanting him to think I'm just crying to crying or something like that.

     "It's alright, we all go through tough times."

     "Yeah Kenna," Madison joins in patting my back, "Now put those tears away and put the key into that car."

     I walk over to the car and open the door and get in, "Wow," I mumble in awe. I start the car and I still can't believe this is mine.

     "I'll drive your car for you and follow behind you to your house," Ashton says opening up my door.

     "I swear you're too nice," I and him my old car keys and he walks to my crappy car with them.

     "What are you waiting for? Vroom vroom mother-fudger," I put the car into drive and make sure Ashton is following behind me before I pull off into the street and towards the house. I pull into my driveway and Ashton parks next to me, "Hey Ash, want to come in?" Madison asks him looking up at him.

     "Of course," he smiles walking behind her, giving her a wide eye expression, but she just shrugs. He probably thinks our small, one story house looks like crap compared to probably the mansion he owns. He walks in and I wait for the bad comment, but it never comes, "Nice house," I'm completely stunned.

     I close the door behind us and put my purse down just as I feel my phone buzz, turning it on I see Mr. Styles e-mailed me. My eyes scan across the words, "Come in I need to talk to you- Mr.Styles." I sigh and grab my purse along with my new car keys

     "I gotta go, Harry called me in. I don't know if I'll be back, see ya," I wave at the two of them as they chat on the couch. In the midst of their conversation Madison waves goodbye back before I walk out of the door. Walking to my new car I hop in and drive to his building, "Hi Perrie," her head pops up.

     "Oh hey, Miss. Model," I roll my eyes, "You are all over the magazines, Kenna. Like you did amazing."

     "Thanks, Per," I smile, "Well, I'll catch you later I have to go meet Harry."

     "Good luck," she says before going back to work.

     I walk down the hall and open the big doors I have come accustomed to,"Hello, Mr. Styles, what'd you call me in for?" I ask walking over to his desk.

     "You're fired," he says simply.

     "What," I look at him shocked, "What the hell did I do?"

     "If you let me finish, I thought you'd be happy, but I guess I could give this job to somebody else," I sit down and calm my breathing, "thank you, now what I was going to say is I want you modeling for my company now."

     "R-Really?" he nods his head, "Oh my sh-crap, thank you so much," I jump out of my chair and walk around his desk, immediately hugging him as he sits in his chair, "Thank you so much Mr.Styles," I smile.

     "We will go over more information tomorrow morning 8 in the morning sharp," he says standing up, putting his hands behind his back.

     "Of course, thank you," I nod my head and rush out of the door.

Mr. StylesWhere stories live. Discover now