Chapter 2

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"Sorry we're late, the traffic was intense."

"It's alright boys, just please sit down. Anywhere you like."

All eyes were on the mystery boys as they took their seats. Everyone was staring at them but they didn't seem to mind at all.

"Lacy, please continue."

"Umm... Okay well, I took them because I had a terrible day and nothing was working out for me, and I just wanted to sleep. So I took them, a lot of them, and I just went to bed."

I took a deep breath and took my seat.

"Thank you for your input Lacy. Who would like to speak next?"

I look around the small room filled with chairs, wondering who's sob story I was going to hear next. Alcoholic boy next to me puts up his hand.

I always wondered about him. He was very quiet when I met him. He had told me his name but I had forgotten it within the hour.

"Hi, My name is Arthur Mitchell, I'm 19 and I'm from Michigan. I moved here about a year ago because my dad got a new job here."

He seemed very nervous to have everyone watching him. His hands were shaking and his forehead was perspiring. He continued talking, very quietly, answering questions from the counsellor when they were asked.

I soon lost focus and started aimlessly staring around the room, noticing every face of every teen in the group. Most were bored, very bored, a few quite intrigued by what Arthur was saying.

"Thank you Arthur. Alright, that wraps up today's talk. I'll see you all tomorrow with some exciting news. You may leave"

Our counsellor seemed almost as bored  as we were. I slowly got up from my seat and made my way to the exit of the clinic-like room. Outside of the room I could see my mom waiting for me, she seemed to be having another conversation with Arthur's sister.

"Hi mom, can we leave?"

"Sure love, lets go."

Next chapter!!! Hope you enjoyed
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-Your Author

Ps. That's so relatable by @-Fandom_Freak- is the best... crying of laughter

Let's Change // Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now