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Jeudi Pov

I sat in the waiting room, waiting for someone to come out and tell me that Ekon was alright.

I already told his dad and mines that Ekon was in the hospital, and what happened and I knew they were on their way.

"Excuse me?" A nurse said to me.

"Yes, how is he?"

"You're here for Ekon right?" The nurse asked

"Yes, please just tell me if he's alright."

"Well, are you family?" The nurse asked

"Yes, im his....sister." I responded

"I'm happy to say that he's gonna be okay. Even though he inhaled a lot of smoke he's going to be alright. He can go home in a day or so."

"Oh My God, thank you" I said. She shaked my hand and walked away.

"WHERE IS HE!" I heard someone yell from behind me, it was our dad's.

My dad ran to me and hugged me and looked at me all around. "Are you alright?" He asked

"Yeah papa i'm alright. He's in room 214. They said that he's gonna be alright, he can leave in a day or so." I said

"How did this happen?" Uncle Ben asked

I cleared my throat and looked down at the ground. "Well.....ya see....I...uhm well I......I didn't wanna go school. So I asked him to take me somewhere else so that I can just clear my head and not be around a bunch of people, and that's how we ended up at the factory."

"HOW did the factory end up in flames??" My papa asked

"I'm not sure, I woke up and the factory was smoking and some men had set the factory on fire." I replied

My dad sighed and hugged me tightly.

My uncle ben sighed as well and said "I'm gonna go see my son." he said and started to walk towards the room, and me and my dad followed.

Uncle ben walked down the hallway until he got to the room and hesitated before walking in. When he did open the door we saw Ekon hooked up to a machine and his eyes were closed.

"Son?......Son, can you hear me?" Uncle Ben said

Ekon started squirming and shifting in the hospital bed. He opened his eyes and they immediately met with his dad.

"Son are you alright?"

"Yeah pops, im aii. I'm sorry about the factory. I tried to stop them. And Leo, I'm sorry that Jeudi got hurt in anyway, I did everything I could to make sure they didn't touch her." Ekon said

My dad walked up to his bedside and said "And you did a great job. Thank you, and I'm glad you're okay too."

Ekon nodded his head and laid his head back. He looked at me and smiled, but it wasn't until then that I realized that I was staring at him.

Next thing I knew the door was opening and it was Mal, I completely forgot that Ekon was supposed to pick her up today from the hospital.

"Oh my god Jeu" she said and grabbed me into a hug. "I went by the factory and saw what happened. Are you guys alright??" She asked, while still hugging me

"Yeah we're good." I said.

"Im sorry I didn't get to pick you up Mal." Ekon said

"Don't worry about it, I'll return the favor when you get out." Mal said. Ekon laughed and shook his head.

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