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Jeudi POV

I jumped up out of my sleep in the middle of the night to what must have been a bad dream.

I was bald with a girlfriend named Sarah and I had thirty cats? Like what who from up above picks these nightmares that were forced to have? I don't understand.

I felt dehydrated so I threw my comforter off me and slipped on my slippers. I looked over to where Ekon was sleeping and he was gone. As usual.

I walked downstairs and tried my hardest to be as quiet as possible to not wake anybody else.

I got to the third step up from the bottom and heard someone coughing, or more like hacking. I  took another step down and started to hear sobs as well, and realized it was my mama.

I quickly walked towards the kitchen and saw that fridge door open, and that was the only light on. I walked around the island and saw my mama on the floor with a dish rag over her mouth.

"Mama?" I asked walking quietly up from behind her.

"Don't come in here" She said through the rag, but I could see the blood dripping out of her dry pale lips.

"Oh my god Mama! Are you okay?" I asked and bent down besides her.

"Baby I'm fine go to back to bed, Just a little mucus I'm coughing up." Mama said

"Mama that's not mucus! Don't lie to me please. What's wrong? Is it your cancer?" I asked.

"Yea it seems like mama is getting worse now. I might have to seek some deeper treatments." Mama said and whipped her mouth.

I tried to help her get up from the ground and sat her down at the island. I got her a cup of water some jello, just something light to get the taste of blood out her mouth.

"Here ya go mama." I said and handed her the items

"Thank you baby" She sat up and tried to take small sips of the water.

I walked away for a minute and grabbed her a spoon from the draw and then I heard her said "Oh No". I turned around an her nose was dripping blood into her glass of water.

I ran back over and moved the glass of water. "Mama that's it I'm calling daddy" She nodded her head no

"Baby no, he's in a meeting with the head men right now and they're deciding the future of the business." She said and held a napkin up to her nose.

"Wow it would have been great if they would have included me." I said in my head. No need to stress my mom out anymore.

"Mama lets at least get you upstairs to bed so that you can rest." I said

"Okay baby, thank you" She said

I got her up and helped her up the stairs.

I had to kick the bedroom door open with my foot because I didn't want to take my hands off of my mama.

I sat her on her bed so that I can pull the covers back. I couldn't believe she was this weak just from one day, she was fine yesterday.

Once I got the comforter and the sheet pulled back I helped her climb into bed and gave her an extra pillow.

"mama you want me to bring your water and jelly up here for you?" I asked her while smoothing out her bed comforter.

"Just the water please" She responded

"Okay mama I will be right back" I said and fastly walked out of her room, I didn't want her to see the tears that were trying their best to escape my eyes. I cracked the door close and leaned on the door to take a breath, and then everything started to come out.

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