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Jeudi POV

 Six months later.....

Today was the day that I was getting out of the rehab center, and I couldn't be happier. I have been in here for a straight four months, and it has helped me in every way possible. 

I was brought here six months ago by Ekon, my dad, King, and Mal, but I ran away apparently after the first week and I was brought back by the police and my dad. 

I dedicated myself to getting better and to staying inside the center to get myself back to normal. 

"Good Morning" My nurse jamie said as she walked in and opened my windows. I smiled at her and leaned up from my bed. 

"Good morning." I said back. I got up and slipped on my slippers and threw my hair up in a pony tail. 

I walked into the bathroom and did my usual hygiene. When I walked back into my room Jamie was sitting in the chair in the corner and there was a plate of food next to my bed. "So what's for breakfast?" I asked

"sausage egg and cheese omelette with two slices of bread." Jamie said with a smile. I nodded and smiled. Honestly this rehab center was honestly very nice, it felt more like a spa rehab center except with a lot of talking about our feelings and holding hands montage you usually see in movies. 

I finished my food and started packing up my clothes. "So whose picking you up today?" Jamie asked as she helped me fold my clothes. 

"Ekon is" I said with a huge smile. 

Through the last few months me and Ekon have gotten closer and closer as the days go by. He has been there for every group meeting that he is able to go to and he has came to visit me basically everyday. The nurses all know him so sometimes when he falls asleep here they let him spend the night and let him slide. 

I feel like I'm so blessed that he has stuck by me all this time when most guys would have went running for the hills by now. 

"Thats great you two seem like a great couple." Jamie said, and I couldnt help but to smile. 


I just got to Jeudi's rehab center to pick her up. She was finally getting out from her six month sentence her and I couldn't wait for her to come home. 

In these last few months a lot has changed in my life. A music mogul found my youtube video from that talent show thing that I was in in my school. 

He emailed me a few times to come into the studio with him. I did and he heard my first song, that I honestly didn't even think to be a song. We recorded it and it was set to be put on the radio today. 

I haven't told Jeudi yet because I wanted it to be a surprise when she heard my voice on a track. 

I walked inside the rehab center and walked past the front desk, the usual front desk people know me so they don't make me sign in anymore. 

"Uhm excuse me" I heard from behind me

I turned around to see a new front desk girl sitting behind her counter. She was young and had a blonde weave in, but she seemed genuinely nice. "Yes" I answered

"You have to sign in sir." She said

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said and walked back to the counter. 

She handed me the book and I signed my full name, because thats what the book requires. After I was done I handed her back the book and smiled. 

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