Chapter 10

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I'm so sorry about not writing for the longest time ever... I bet you have lost interest in this book by now but I will try to write a couple of chapters and not forget about this book again. Thank you guys for not yelling at me about finishing this. I have been so busy with school and stuff it snowed so we didn't have school for 2 days and I get to dye my hair again soon like really soon whenever they deliver the dye which should be sometime tomorrow and I hope that my mom will do it all tomorrow because I really wanna surprise people at school.

We finished getting everything we needed for the next few days and started heading to the checkout aisle. We started to put everything onto the conveyor belt so that she could scan it. The lady at the cash register scanned everything and then Johnnie paid for it and we put it in the buggy and started walking towards the door. When we got to our car he started to pile stuff into the trunk as I climbed into the driver's side and locked the doors trying to be adorable. He went to put the buggy up and I waited. 

When he walked back towards the car he reached for the door to open it but to his surprise, it was locked. I looked at him and giggled and smiled like the adorable human I am. He told me I better unlock the door or he would tickle me to death. I didn't think he was being serious so I kept it locked for about another minute while I made funny faces at him. Oh, boy was that a mistake... As soon as he heard the doors click he jumped in and grabbed me. He started to tickle me, I screamed and starting laughing so hard I nearly peed myself. He saw the corner of the box in my pocket and stopped. "What's that baby" he said, as I tried to shove the box back into my pocket. "Oh it's nothing" I replied lying. I really hated lying to him but I just had to I didn't want him to leave me all alone if I was going to have a baby...

He looked at me "Baby you know you don't have to hide anything from me whatever you need I'm right here just talk to me" I loved how he cared so much about me and I didn't want to lose him... He was my everything and I swore to him I would never leave him. If I ever needed anything all I had to do was talk to him... I hoped it would never end. 

I thought about what would happen if I was pregnant and Johnnie found out. I imagined him walking out and leaving me alone my mom telling me she warned me about boys. I imagined myself dying alone. Johnnie opened my door and I snapped out of my daydream. I was crying... He asked me if I was okay... I just said yes wiping the tears from my eyes with my jacket sleeve. He held me in his arms resting his chin on my head and then he told me everything would be okay. I'm so glad I have him by my side. We walked in and I grabbed some clothes to do for maybe a week and we drove back to Johnnie's house not talking the whole way back.....

I'm sorry for the cliffhanger it's just I want to update before I get murdered so here it's done I know when I say I'm going to update more I lie and don't but I'm determined to finish this book at some point so I hope your happy about me updating people I have been reading a book called The Cellar it's on Wattpad but I borrowed the paper copy from my Bff and I love it so much it's an awesome book you can go check it out on here it's by Natasha Preston you guys would probably like it. There's a waiting list on my friend's book everyone wants to read it's just that good! I hope you guys continue to read my book but go check out hers too  :) 

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