Empty Space

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I Built a room
A Shelter from Pain
Its not perfect he assumes
But with all his heart its Built
Theres not a single stain
But the only person there, is him

A room Small but snug
A Chamber with details all around
And when More space is needed he Will expand, there are No bounds

Stone for Stone, piece by piece
A work that took a Lifetime
A work that took a Life
But he cant find peace
A finished room left untouched
Not a single thing to adjust

Nobody to commerate his act
Nobody that will remember
A burning feeling like an ember
His shell that has finally cracked
A indescribable feeling of anguish
And my Soul shreds away due to languish

Nobody is Home
Nobody to answer the door when he rings the Bell.
Just an empty house in a lonely dome
And Just as the Building Rose up from the ground it Fell.
It crumbled to pieces and returned to dust from which it came
And with the builder happened the Same.

But with the ages progressing he progressed too
And he regained his strength, Made a second debut.

And now the builder awaits with a tear in his eye
To build for the next person to pass by.

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