find you

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No description given
No hints, just time to keep me company
And the thoughts that keep me driven
To keep my from the gluttony
I have an unimaginable thirst
And when I think it subsides
And when things are going for the worst
Something inside me almost dies

But I survive
Because somewhere in my life
There is already salvation
And I have enough time for preparation
Because there lies a journey ahead
In which i'll be not entirely alone
None of it will ever be gone or ever be dead
Because when I find you
I will never let you go

Day to day, thinking about the concept of love
How to grasp it, how to earn it, does it come from above
Am I able to have it, hold it in my arms
Caress it gently feel the warmth
The never ending thoughts of theories flowing through my brain
Dont know if i'll be able to sustain
But when your invisible face comes into mind
I cant help but think of you so caring and kind
I can only imagine how you are

I can wait longer
As long as need be
Because your effect will linger
And Me will become We
My reflection will shift
And the smog will lift
At the end of a cycle, beginning of a new
There wont be a need to impress or do
Searching no more, peace at last
Everything will be in the past
You will remodel my spirit and me as a whole
When i'll find you, you'll return my soul

I have the time to wait
I am not in a hurry to meet
You wont be too late
Because even at the end of my life
When were at the end of the dive
If I will just get to see a glimpse of your face
Or a confirmative nod
I'll be in a happier place
Because I'll know
I found you

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