end of the line

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Once upon a time, a story has begun
A frail being brought into life
No sense of meaning, no sense of time
Pure and bright like the warmth of the sun
Not a single spot left on its thoughts by the grim world of pain, darkness and crime.
But as the boy grows up, he starts to realise.

"What will there be after this place"
"What will happen after this phase"
"What will happen to mom and dad"
"What will happen to all I had"
"Will it be gone or will it live on"
"Will I still exist or do I cease to"
"Will my thoughts just be corrupted by void after death, will everything I have ever hated, loved or cared about be buried after my last breath."
A world without pain but a world without thoughts.
Will I feel peace or will I feel loss
Will I even feel at all
No logical thinking, no feeling, nothing to do.
Just at the end of the hallway, 1 single brick wall
You try to break it, but not a crack to be found
You scream you kick you screech but eventually fall to the ground
The walls start to close in and the space becomes smaller
You look back and see your spouse, brother and daughter
You try to crawl but your legs are stuck
You yell for help but are out of luck
You scream one last time and start to wheep
You see your family disappear
Are unable to feel, move or hear
The walls disappear and a void comes in its place
Being enveloped in total Oblivion.
A last moment of struggle, a last instant of exertion
And then a moment of compliance
As the black void envelops your apprehension you stop to cry
You stop fighting it and finally realise
It might not be that bad
To die

The Melody Of MelancholyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu