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Expression is a necessity
But I am in cecity.
Where thoughts occured at first
A drought has come and quenched my thirst.
I feel silenced by existence itself
Numbed after countless dissapointing situations
Terminal stage of irrelevant mental health
Not able to express myself through my own creations.
I have nothing left that makes me.
Nothing left to make me be.
Just dull husks of a once lively creature.
Now I have no special feature
Am a hasbeen
Or am a has never been
Just waiting to feel once again.
Waiting for a solution to repair this broken man.
If for once I knew how it feels to be competent
I dont care for a compliment.
Wishing for someone to understand how I am.
That im not just dumb
That im just feeling numb
Wishing for love, hoping it will fix
But having reality kick in the mix
Knowing nothing helps at this point anymore
Muscles not aching but forever sore

I wish to be simple
To be like some other
Have the water flat without a ripple
So I wouldnt have to bother
I despise my mind
My minds in only My head confined
I feel robbed of any opportunities
I feel robbed of my emotions
I have no unity
Left my devotions
I feel braindead
I hate thinking
I hate to think
I hate thoughts

Why cant I be right

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