Chapter 9

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The drive in the truck felt like it was never going to end and I felt awful.

I looked at Daryl, who seemed to be deep in thoughts, until I decided to get his attention, but holding onto his hand.

At first he wanted to pull his hand away, but looking at me he gave up and squeezed my hand weakly.

Looking into his eyes I could see the guilt...

He felt guilty about Glenn's death.

He didn't say it, but I could see it on his face and it made me awfully bad.

We didn't speak to each other in fear of the driver hearing everything, but we kept eye contact the whole ride there, until the car stopped and Daryl was suddenly pulled out.

- Daryl! - I gasped, nearly jumping out of the car, but I was kept back by German himself, causing me to freeze.

- I'll be fine! I'll be fine... - he shouted.

- Oh no, you fucking won't! - German hissed - Lock his ass down for now! While I take care of our guest... - he said as he now looked at me, with the bloody bat still in his hand as he demanded - Get out...

I was confused, but since I had no choice I did what he said and got out of the car.

Once I did he began to walk while ordering me to follow him...

- German... - I spoke quietly.

He turned around to look at me again.

- Come on... - he said, now on a much softer tone than how he spoke before - I want you to meet some people here...

I was extremely confused right now and as much as I wanted to speak I couldn't.

I didn't want to follow him, but I didn't want to stay with his asshole men either so I chose the first thing and followed him towards a huge building.

As we entered it was clear that it is a dining area.

- Why are we here....? - I asked weakly.

Suddenly I hear a familiar scream:


Nearly jumping out of my dirty pants I saw Olga coming towards me, hugging me tightly.

Olga was basically everybody's mother back when everything was normal, not to mention her cooking skills were also amazing.

Probably still are.

- Oh my god! I thought you weren't even alive! - she cried.

- Well... I thought I'm not gonna see the sun rise today either... - I muttered, looking over her shoulder at German, who did not respond, but knew that was meant for him.

- Angie... - she panted, looking at me again - You won't believe, but Ramallo and Violetta's here too!

I didn't... no... I couldn't speak and I was so weak that I had to lean on Olga to stay on my feet suddenly.

This moment German came up to us and helped me to sit down to a table, but as soon as I sat properly I pushed him away.

- Dwight! - German shouted and his man ran up to him - Call Ramallo and Violetta over here - he ordered and Dwight ran away, while I was trying to catch my breath and figure out how to speak to them after all that happened outside...

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