Chapter 48

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- Angie...?

Angie was pointing a knife at me and I have no idea why exactly.

Is she mad at me again?

But appearently I was so out of place that I didn't notice a walker nearly biting a piece out of me until Angie threw the knife and it landed right in it's face, inches away from my shoulder.

- Holy shit... - I moaned.

- If you come out to play the macho atleast keep an eye out for these fuckers - she groaned angrily at me.

But this was the "I was worried about you" type of anger and not the other type where she could literally kill me.

This made me feel good to see...

- I'm sorry - I muttered awkwardly - I just needed time alone...

- Alone for what? To fucking get yourself killed by some people wondering around, or get eaten by one of these rotten assholes?! - she questioned as she stabbed another one in the face.

- Calm down...

- I'm not gonna calm down until you get your ass back home!

- Home...?

I wasn't sure what she was thinking about since she has never called The Sanctuary "home", but appearebtly that was exactly what she thought about.

- Come on... - she said as she came closer to me she wrapped her arms around my neck.

- Angie? Are you... okay? - I asked awkwardly.

- I heard what else you've done since the last time we talked... You haven't only got rid off your women, but you also released Alexandria from the "debt" and instead you decided to work together with them and the other places you kept a tight grip on...

She was right... Although I have no idea where does she know that from, but I did went to Alexandria earlier today and talked to Rick....


- So Rick... I know we've started our relationship pretty badly - I began when we alone sat down in a room to talk - But I had my reason.

- Let's just jump right into why you're here, okay? I don't have the time and mood for this crap - he groaned, sounding pretty unfriendly.

Which was understandable.

- Angie loves you and the people here - I started to get to my point - I'm working on to make her forgive me for all the shit I've done and I'm almost done with everything... Aside from that one thing about you and your debt.

Rick let out a growl.

- I'm not gonna force you to give me your shit any longer.

Now he blinked, looking extremely confused.

- Instead I want to work together with your people...

- Really?

- Yes... 

- I'm not sure if I believe you...

- Then think about it because I'm serious. I want to end this threat shit and try to work together - said as I now stood up - Think it through, but right now I have to go...

But before I could even leave he said:

- Okay! I'll talk to my people about it... But I think they'll be fine with it as long as you treat Angie good.


- I have... done that... - I muttered to Angie.

- It'd be hard to believe, but I heard it from Ramallo... And he never lies to me - she said - So thank you... Seriously...

At this point I suddenly pushed her against a tree while I smacked another rotten asshole in the face.

- Fucking hell... This for interrupting an emotional conversation!

That made Angie laugh.

- Anyway... Where was I? 

- I don't know, but that's where I wanted to be - she said then she just pulled me closer and kissed me...

Wait, what?


She kissed me...

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