Chapter One

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Savannah's POV

"Savannah! Savannah, wake up. Savannah," I heard my little sister, Marissa, consecutively calling for me to wake up for school.

"Marissa, I'm awake. Go away," I grumbled, burying my head in my baby blue pillow. She groaned and stormed out of my room, slamming my door behind her, almost knocking it off its hinges.

I shot up off my bed and checked my phone, reading the time it showed. 6:00 a.m. I sigh and stroll into my bathroom, turning on the shower.

Hi. My name is Savannah Grace Hudson, and I'm 17 years old. Today is the first day of my Senior year, and I'm extremely nervous. Besides my best friend that I've had since we were two, I'll be alone this year. Hopefully, I'll make new friends. Though, that's never been easy.

Speaking of best friend, I should probably tell you who it is. Calum Thomas Hood, my best friend since we were young, is the greatest friend I could ever have. He's been there for me through everything imaginable. From the bullies, to the death of my mum, he's been there.

My mum died in a car accident when I was 15 and my little sister, Marissa, was 3. I never met my dad, he left when I was born. So, it's been Marissa and I for a few years. We have no other relatives, as my mum was an only child. My grandparents are long gone, so, it's just us two. Calum's my rock, he always has been. His mum, Joy, is like my mum. I love her and her family more than words could ever express.

Anyways, enough about that. I need to get ready for school. I stripped and got in the shower, letting the excruciating heat from the water cascading down my tan skin relax my tense muscles.

I let the water simmer down a little, then began my daily routine. Once I was finished, I quickly got out and dried every inch of my thin frame off.

I wrapped the towel around myself, then walked into my chamber of memories. Calum, who probably isn't up yet, lives next door. Surprisingly, that's how we became best friends.

I pushed open the door to my closet, skimming through it for an outfit. I decided on a plaid shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and my black converse (outfit on the side).

 I decided on a plaid shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and my black converse (outfit on the side)

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I brushed my hair and blow dried it, then put it into a braided ponytail. I applied my minimal makeup, then grabbed my phone off of the charger and put it in my back pocket. I grabbed my earbuds on my way out of the door of my room because I'm going to need those today. I shut off my light and shut the door, walking to Marissa's room.

"Mar, let me help you get dressed," I offered as I walked into her room. She nodded and I walked over to her closet, pulling out her favorite black and white polka dot dress (dress on the side.)

I helped her get into it, then put her hair in a tiny ponytail with a little bow on top

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I helped her get into it, then put her hair in a tiny ponytail with a little bow on top. I picked out a pair of shoes to match the dress, then helped her with those. Once I was finished with that, I picked her up and carried her downstairs, setting her down on a bar stool.

"What kind of cereal do you want, Mar?" I asked her, pulling out the multiple boxes we had. She examined each box, thinking which one she wanted.

"Frosted Flakes, please!" She responded enthusiastically, making me smile at her. I made her a bowl and put it in front of her, then had an apple for myself.

"Do you want to take the bus to school or have Calum drive us?" I asked, enthusiasm in my voice. She perked up at the mention of Calum's name and started bouncing in her seat.

"Calum," she confirmed, making me nod. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and opened up my contacts, clicking on Calum's and waited for him to pick up.

Calum picked up after the second ring. "Hey, Vanna, what do you need?" He asked, proof that he woke up not too long ago evident in his voice.

"Will you pick Mar and I up? We can drop her off first, then head to school," I asked, my heart beating out of my chest as I awaited his response.

"Yeah, I will. I'll see you shortly," he agreed, hanging up. I hung up as well and nodded to Marissa, confirming our ride.

"Sissy, I'm done now." She pushed her cereal bowl my direction and I took it, washing it and putting it in the dishwasher.

"Alright, kiddo, ready for your first day of Kindergarten?" I asked, tickling her and earning a squeal.

"Yeah, I am. I bet my teacher is going to be amazing," she started rambling on and on about her teacher, making me laugh. She's such a cutie, I told myself.

"Okay, we need to go so sissy wont be late on her first day," I informed, grabbing her packed lunch I made last night, my backpack, my keys, and finally locked the door, holding her hand in the process.

We walked over to Calum's, knocking on the door. He answered and yelled bye to his parents and sister, then we all piled into his car. We left earlier than we normally would, only because Marissa starts later than we do. We dropped her off and I comforted her about starting Kindergarten, then hugged her and went back outside to Calum's car.

He pulled into the parking lot and parked the car, turning it off and we both got out. We walked inside and got our schedules, having almost every class except 4th and 5th period together.

He has music 4th period, and I have Advanced Calculus. For 5th period, he has football practice and I have Art. 6th period is our free study period, so his practice normally goes on till school is over.

We're complete opposites, but that's what makes our friendship so unique. Now, for as long as Calum and I have been friends, you'd think we'd stay that way, right?

Well, you're wrong. I've had a massive crush on him since 8th grade and those feelings, 4 years later, still grow, pushing me deeper and deeper into a pit of emotional distress. The worst thing that could happen is Calum rejecting me and it ruins our friendship, which, I never want to happen.

I got so sidetracked in my train of thought, I didn't hear Calum speaking. He nudged me, grabbing my undivided attention.

"Sorry, Cal, what were you saying?" I asked, embarrassment clear on my now pink face.

"I said we should get to History, we don't need to be late on the first day," he mumbled, gesturing towards the door at the end of the hall. I nodded and we stopped at our lockers, quickly putting the books we didn't need at the time up, then trudged along to the first class of the new school year.

Wish me luck, I'm going to need it, I thought to myself again as we walked in, grabbing our seats and waiting on the teacher, Mr. Peterson, to start the introduction of his expectations for the class.

History first thing in the morning? Great. I sighed and looked around the room, examining every detail since I'll be seeing this room every day for the rest of the year.

Hey, loves, it's Maddie here! Here's the first chapter of my new story on this account I'm sharing with my best friend, Tabby. I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment, love you all.

~Maddie 💕

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