Chapter Eight

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Calum's POV

The guys and I have been at the hospital for two hours, and we haven't gotten a single word on Savannah. This waiting is killing me! I keep pacing and running my fingers through my hair, just hoping for something.

"Calum, mate, calm down. I'm sure she's fine," Michael comes over and puts his hand on my shoulder, stopping my movements.

"It's been two hours, Michael! It can't be a good thing if we've been waiting for that long," I almost shout. I'm not mad at him, just extremely worried. He flinches a little at my outburst, which is understandable.

"Mate, chill out. You're causing a scene," Ashton gains my attention, making me look around to see everyone's eyes on me. I bite my lip and stop, then sit back down.

"Woops," I sigh and rub my face. I start tapping my foot anxiously and let out a deep breath.

"Savannah Hudson?" A nurse calls, making my head pop up. The guys and I rush over, all of us curious on any news.

"I'm her boyfriend. Please tell me she's okay," I beg.

"She's awake. She has a few minor injuries, but she'll be better in no time. Can you inform me on what happened?" The nurse interrogated as she leads us to Savannah's room.

"Uhm, well, we were at school. It was a lunch and she wasn't in the cafeteria yet, so the guys and I decided to check on her. We thought she would either be at the football field, or in the Art room. When she wasn't at the field, Luke and Ashton," I point to them, "found her near the art room and her locker. She was bleeding from numerous spots on her face, and she couldn't stand up. She said that it was these two girls who give her shit everyday that did it, and I believe it. Then she lost consciousness and we brought her here. That's all we know because we didn't see all of it," I expatiate.

"Wow, that's quite some information. That explains the injuries. Here we are," we stop in front of a door. I look inside, my heart dropping at the site. There Savannah lays, a cast on her arm and leg.

"W-what injuries does she have?" I shakily ask, looking at the nurse again.

"A broken arm, a broken leg, a few broken ribs from being hit there numerous times, a small concussion from hitting her head, and a lot of bruises. Luckily, she didn't lose too much blood. We're going to keep her overnight to make sure everything is fine, and she can go home in the morning. You can see her, if you want." The nurse, whose name is Jennifer, walks off to another room.

I look at the guys and rub the back of my neck. "Uhm, so, who wants to," I was cut off by Luke.

"You go see her first, mate. We'll be out here, it's okay. Go," I nod and take a deep breath, then walk inside the room and shut the door. "H-hey Vanna, how are you feeling?" I pull up a chair and sit next to her.

"Sore," she mumbles. I sigh softly and intertwine my fingers with hers, rubbing small circles on the back of her hand.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there. I could have helped you," I whisper, full of guilt.

"Hey, this isn't your fault. It's mine for not sticking up for myself. It's okay. Don't blame yourself, Cal." She reassures, kissing my cheek.

"Okay," I nod. She takes a deep breath and winces.

"Ow. It hurts to breathe." I look up at her to see her face contour in pain. I frown softly and kiss her cheek back.

"It's because of the broken ribs. Don't worry, you'll get better soon. The guys and I will be here for you."

"Thank you. Why do Stephanie and Allison hate me so much? I've never done anything to them. All I do is go to school, go home, do homework, and repeat the routine. I just don't get it," she huffs.

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