Chapter Four

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Calum's POV

I'm getting sick and tired of Stephanie and Allison treating Savannah like a piece of shit. She is nothing that they say she is, even though she believes them. I care about her more than a best friend should, but I can't help it. I have had a crush on her since what seems like forever, but I can't tell her because it'll ruin our friendship.

Thankfully, today is Friday and Savannah doesn't have to deal with Stephanie and Allison for 2 days. I don't understand why she's the only person they pick on, it's not fair. I mean, nobody should be treated the way Savannah is, but to be the only person out of almost a thousand kids, it's just superstitious.

Anyways, I need to get ready for hell. I mean, school? No, I meant hell. I sigh deeply and get out of bed, walk over to my closet and get dressed for the day. I brush my teeth and put on deodorant, then stroll downstairs.

My mom and dad were still asleep, so I grab an apple and start eating it. There was a knock on the door a few minutes after, and I answer it. When I open the door, I am met with a tired, yet still beautiful, Savannah. She gives me a tired smile and I give her a smile back, then we get in the car.

"Vanna, you look exhausted. What the hell happened?" I curiously question, needing an answer.

She just shrugs and gets in the car, buckles up and rests her head against the window.

"Homework happened," she mumbles tiredly, making me laugh lightly. "I swear, if Stephanie and Allison tear my homework up again, we're going to have problems." She grumbles, aggravation clear in the bite of her voice. I drive to school and turn on the radio, making Savannah relax slightly.

I park the car and we both get out, Savannah quickly rushing inside, leaving me to go my separate way. Which, is morning football practice.

I start making my way up to the football field, when I was stopped. "Calum, mate," I turn around and see Ashton running towards me.

"Hey, Ashton. What's up?" I ask him, patting his shoulder. He smiles and we walk to the football field.

"Trying to avoid Stephanie and Allison because they're bitches," he replies harshly, making me nod.

"I agree, I'm doing the same thing. All they ever do is hit on me and it's disgusting. I have my eyes on someone else," I confess, making Ashton nod.

"Oh, yeah. Savannah, right?" He interrogates, trying to refresh his mind.

"Yeah, that's right. I just, I don't know if she likes me back. I mean, she's way too perfect to like me," I confess again, sighing deeply.

Ashton pats my back to try and comfort me, then we reach the football field. We walk into the locker room to get ready for practice, the only thought making an appearance in my head being about Savannah.

Savannah's POV

After Calum and I go our separate ways, I walk inside to my locker. I quickly look over each assignment, then place the papers back in the proper books, before placing those in the locker and putting the lock on. I put my History book in my backpack, then zip it up and cling it tightly to keep Stephanie and Allison from destroying it again.

I sigh deeply and walk out to the football field like the previous morning, then sit down on the grass. I pull out my phone and look at the newest message I received from Stephanie, reading it over for what felt like the millionth time.

'You're still not giving up, are you? When are going to realize that Calum is only your friend because he pities you? And Ashton, we've seen him hanging around you recently. Don't get your hopes up of him liking you, that's never going to happen. Nobody will like you,' the message reads, making me feel tears brim my eyes.

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