The News

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Annyeongsayo!Jeoneun Lee Somi imnida!(Hello!Im Lee Somi!) I'm 18 years old and the daughter of the CEO of __________.


"EOMMA,APPA!Im home!" answer,wired.I went over to the kitchen and found a note on the fridge.

"Somi,Get ready and wear something nice and go to ________ park.There should be a restaurant near there called ______.Tell Mr.Wang to drive you there ok?

I groned as I toke the note off the fridge and walked to my room.I went towards my closet and picked out a cream coloured dress

I went towards my closet and picked out a cream coloured dress

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(Here's the outfit) 

I curled my hair a bit and fixed up my makeup.


I whined.If you didn't guess it already but I'm not the girly type at all really.As I was running around the house complaining about the dress I heard the door bell ring.I froze and looked towards the door.I went to the door and opened it.Standing in front of me was Mr.Wang.

"Are you finished yet ms.Lee?"

"Yeah,I'm done and again,Please call me Somi!"

I smiled and he returned one back.We got in the car and drove off to where the destination is.A few minutes later(45 minutes) we arrived at the park/restaurant.I got out of the car and thanked mr.Wang.

As I was walking I heard someone scream my name


I looked back to see my parents inside a resterant.But their not alone,there was a boy around my age in a suit looking down.Maybe it's just a friend..i don't know

I went towards them and sat at my sit.I reached there table but froze mid-way.The boy looked up and...



We both said in unison.My parents looked at eachother.

"OH GREAT!You two still remember eachother!"

I faced my parents and nodded.Right now was Jeon Jungkook in front of me.My all time bully and crush.Its been 5 months snice I tried to get rid of this feeling but I just couldn't.I love him but he hates me,He also has a girl of his own.I have no chance with him.He bullied me ever since childhood and still does.I remember when we were young I would always be there for him and would make sure he was safe,But he did not return those nice actions,Instead he bullied me,Ignored me,Etc.His parents died and my parents decided to take care of him because both our parents are really good friends.This fucking sucks..WHY THE HELL IS HE HERE?!We also go to the same school.My parents don't know about it.

"Well since we are all here let's spill out the news!"

My mom said


They both yelled.Jungkook and I looked at eachother in disbelief.


"You heard me young lady,And you two will be living with eachother starting today!We have all your things in the new house!"

Eomma handed Jungkook a peice of paper with the address on it.Tears were now forming in my eyes.WHAT THE HELL?!I glanced at Jungkook and saw him with a slight smirk.

"Oh really?!Thats great ms and mr.Lee!Im so glad I'm getting married to Somi!"

Jungkook said as he pulled me to his side.I looked up and glared at him and he returned a smile.I have enough,I pulled his grip off of me and walked towards my parents.


I said with a shaky voice before running out of the resterant.I pulled out my phone once I reached the secret park I found when I was little.It really is a beautiful place.I sat on the bench and called my best friend.Tears were running down my cheek

"Oppa,I need you..


At first I was shocked af but than I relised I could have some fun with Somi.I don't know why I hated her so much but I do..she just seems like a bitch to me.The only reason I agreed is because I owe them.They took care of me for my whole life.


Somi said to her parents before leaving the resterant.Our eyes followed her exit.

"I-I think I should go get her"

"Oh yes,please do Jungkook"

Ms.Lee said with a worried face.I nodded and ran after her.I pulled out my phone and texted my girlfriend about the marriage thing.She seemed to be shocked at first but calmed down after.Ha,you really think I will go after that bitch?Hell no.

I called my driver and told him to drive to the new house...

Hey bootyful!How was this chapter?Are you curious on who Somi's best friend is?Butt anyways~ I'm a boring person and I don't have much to say to buy bai~!

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