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-ding, ding, ding, ding x 4

I woke up to the sound of my phone beeping every second.

"UGHHH!!Shut Upp~~"

I grabbed my phone and smiled once I saw the messages

"Happy b-day somsom!!"


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOMI!You grown up so well!"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!WOAH!My lil Somsom grown up to be so bootiful, -wipes fake tears"

I can't believe I forgot about my own birthday!I feel so old now ;3; I got out of bed in a very happy mood.I skipped to the washroom and got ready.I played Big Bang's 'FXXK IT' and jammed out like crazy.


Once I finished I went out of the washroom and skipped back to my room.I opened my closet and changed into 

I opened my closet and changed into 

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[dis :3]

I proudly smiled liking my outfit.I put on my everyday make up and headed to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning kitchen!How are you doing today?Guess what!Its my birthday!!"

God I'm crazy..Who the hell talks to a kitchen?! 



I "yelled" setting the food on the counter.I took a picture of my masterpiece and digged in.I even made extra for Jungkook and Arin.

I finished my food and wrapped the food I made for Jk and Arin in a cute lil bento box.I opened the door and headed towards their room.

-knock knock


No answer, I twisted the door knob and it opened.They should really lock their door..I went in the room to find it messy af.Clothes were EVERYWHERE!!Jungkook's clothes to be exact.Wonder why?I set the food on the table and cleaned up a bit.I wonder where Arin is..


I jumped by the sudden voice.I looked to my right to see Jungkook.

"O-oh!I-I'm so sorry.Its j-just that y-your r-oom was re-"


My face turned over to the side once his hand made contact with my face.His slap was harder than usual.My tears were threatening to come down.


I quicky got up and bowed before leaving.He shut his room back slid down the door as my tears were now flowing out.

"What did I do to deserve this?"

I mumbled.


After Somi left I felt a sting in my heart.It hurts why?I clushed my chest.I should just go to sleep..Just as I was about to lay down my phone rang.


"Hey Kookie its me Tae"


"I had enough with you and your girlfriend.Im currently in Jeju and I want you to know something.Go to ________park right now asap, Got it?"


He hanged up.I pouted before getting ready to go out.


Ok, I'm here.I looked around to try to spot tae but nothing.Where is h-


I looked back to see tae on my back

"Dude get off!!"

He pouted before climbing off of me.

"Ok, follow me"

I nodded before trialling after him.


"She's here"

I looked around and spotted a fimilar face.I walked closer and closer to finally realize who it was..Arin..


She pulled away from the deep kiss from the boy infront of her and staired at me in disbelief

"Oppa.W-what are you d-doing here?"

"Why?I gave you everything and this is what you do?!WHY?!"

"Oppa!its a m-misunderstanding!"

"Oh really?Cause what I saw just now was you and that guy eating each others faces just now!"


I softly pushed her back.

"We're done.Got it?Also, Do you know how much I cringed when you talk?Its also wired that you call me Oppa when your like 8 months older than me."

I said before glaring at both of them and leaving.I went back to tae as tears were now running down my face.He than started patting my back.

"It's ok Kookie, You'll be ok."

"Hyung, I gave her everything.."

"And Somi gave you everything but you treat her like crap.."

I looked up at him 


"Nothing, Anyways I gotta go.Go back to your room and sleep ok?"

I nodded before walking away...Heh, Sleeping.Hell no, My heart hurts to much.


I made it to a bar and walked in.I gave them a fake ID before ordering some drinks.I drank, and drank, and drank again until I was completely drunk.

For some reason my legs brought me to Somi's house


-knock knock

I jogged to the door once I heard a knock.Once I opened the door I felt something heavy fall on me and arms wrapping my waist.Jungkook?


"She cheated on me, SHE FUKING CHEATED ON ME!!"

He screamed.Jungkook looked up and I could see the pain in his eyes.I wiped his tears with my thumb and setted him on the couch.Jungkook than started sobbing.It hurted me to see him like this.I grabbed a blanket and lied him down on the couch.I tucked him in and he fell asleep as soon as I wrapped the blanket around him.

He looked so peaceful.I started admiring his features.I wish I was always there for him..I moved his hair away from his eyes.I grabbed one of his hands and softly squeezed it.Before I knew it, I fell asleep in a sitting position with my left arm on the couch.... 

[862 words]

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