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I woke up to the worst headache ever.Where I'm I?

"Omo, Jungkook are you awake?!"

I looked to my side to see Somi in a light pink apron.To be honest, She looked quite cute.God damnit Jungkook, What the hell are you thinking?!Somi came over to me with a tray with hangover soup and a bowl of rice and a couple of side dishes.

"You must be wondering why your here.Don't worry I didn't kidnapp you..Haha~ You came over to my house drunk.You started crying about how Arin cheated on you and stuff..sorry.."

She said placing the food on the coffee table.I staired at her lips as she talked.They look so..soft..I shook the thoughts out as I heard Somi

"Say ah~"

She said softy holding a spoon full of soup near my mouth.I was shocked at first but went with it.She smiled as I took a bite of the food.

"Are you able to eat by yourself?"

I nodded.She stood up ready to leave but I quickly grabbed her wrist.God!WHAT IM I DOING?!She turned her head back with a confused look

"P-please co-continue feeding m-me"

I said nervously with my head down.I tightly shutted my eyes due to embarrassment.

"Say ah Kookie~"

I jumped and staired at her with the spoon.Wow, I never thought she would actually do it..


Once she finished feeding me I went to the bathroom.I locked it and slid down the door.

"Uhh...I'm going crazy.."

I turned on the tap and splashed water on my face.I should get back to normal..


I smiled widely once Jungkook left to the restroom.It was nice knowing he's opening up to me.I got out some pills and water to help Jungkook with his headache.

"Oh hey Jungkook!I have some pil-"

 "Forget it.I don't need it.."

He said coldly as he walked out of the room.My heart felt like its crumbling.Maybe he just needs some time.He just broke up with his girlfriend too..I set the pills down and placed it in a cute tiny container.I also attached a sticky note on it with a message

To Jungkook,

   Here are some pills for you headache.Since you didn't take them this morning I packed them in this tiny container for you.Make sure you eat them ok?I promise they will help!!

      Sincerely, Somi 

I chuckled at the note.Ahhh, I'm to good..I grabbed the container and went out of the room.I stopped by Jungkook's room and placed the container infront if his door.I could hear him through the door..The hell is he doing? I rang the door bell and ran as fast as I could.


I decided to stop by at a cafe.Once I step in the shop, The delicious coffe aroma filled my nose.I sat down at a table as the waiter took my order.I ordered a boba milk tea with a chocolate cake.I clapped my hands like a kid once the food came reseaving looks from her costumers.I shyly bowed and apologized before digging in..

"Hey SomSom, It's been a while huh?"

I looked into see...NO WAY!!


I opened my door after hearing the bell ring.

"What's this?"

I picked up the container and immediately smiled.

To Jungkook,

Here are some pills for you headache.Since you didn't take them this morning I packed them in this tiny container for you.Make sure you eat them ok?I promise they will help!!

Sincerely, Somi

Even after being such a douche bag she still does things for me..Why? I took the container inside and ate the pills.Even though it tastes like donkey poo..ew


I stopped by  cafe after seeing something catch my eye.Somi..Her Order arrived at her table and she clapped like a little girl.A smiled creeped up on my face.She than apologized to the costumers for being to loud.I chuckled and went inside the cafe.

I immediately stopped when a boy came.He looked like he's around Hoseok's age.Somi than jumped and hugged the boy tightly.The boy than kissed her cheek and span her around.Are they dating?For some reason seeing them hug made me furious and made my heart crumble.I stomped out of the cafe and breathed in and out.



I jumped and hugged my older brother tightly

"Wonho-ie I missed you!!"

It's been years since I last seen him, He is currently in a group called 'Monsta X' .He kissed my cheek spinning me around..


We both decided to catch up in life.We went to the park, Amusement park, etc..


I yelled running to a cute marry go round.I ran back to grab wonho's hand and dragging hi, along with me.I could see him face palming himself which made me laugh.

"Ahh, I regret bring you here.Why did I remember how much you like amusement parks.God you such a kid Somsom.."

I elbowed him a the stomach as we payed for the tickets.


I laughed/Yelled while I was on the ride

"Somi!Shut up people are staring!"


I pouted..little did I know, Wonho's was filming all of this..


We got off the ride and I smiled widely.Oh that was so fun~~

"Hey Somi look at this"

Wonho said showing his phone.I took a look at instantly flushed red.

"OPPA!Deleted that!!"

"Hahaha~ Nope~! it's your fault!"

I groned at the video of getting to excited on the ride.HE EVEN POSTED IT!It instantly got lots of likes, comments, shares etc.. 


"Hey Kookie!LOOK AT THIS!"

Tae said showing me his phone.OH.MY.GAD!MY HEARTU~~

It was a video of Somi and a merry go round.My heart  instantly melted at the video.It was so cute!

"Aww, She's cute right?"

"HYUNG!MY HEARTU! she's so cu- , -cough- uhh Hyung what the hell is she doing?Get the creature away from me"

I snickered.I could see Hyung smriking.

"Why can't you just admitted you like her Kookie?why can't you be nice to her.."

He said mumbling the last part.

"HYUNG!I don't like her!She's Just a stupid whore!"

I yelled.Tae glared at me before walking away.Theres nothing special about Somi, Yeah..There's nothing special.She's just a attention seeker.Shes fake..

No she's not

SHUT UP!Get your act together!

[1051 words]

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