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2 weeks past after the incident. Somi is still in the hospital and I got discharged after 4 days there. I often visit her.
I sat on the chair beside her bed. I held her hand and pray for her to wake up soon.
"Somi,please wake up.." I said softly squeezing her hand.
I suddenly felt her fingers twitch.
"OH MY GOD! DOCTER!!" I yelled jumping around.
I couldn't control my happiness. I couldn't act cold to her anymore. I wanted to be there for her forever. After weeks of wanting her back, is it finally time?
Nurses and doctors came rushing into the room. One of the nurses pushed me out, I stared at her with confusion. She slightly blushed
"S-sorry, but your n-not aloud to be in here right now" she said looking down.
I nodded pouting and walked out.
-------------- 30 minutes later
The doctor walked out with a wide smile. I jumped up from my seat tumbling over a little.
I yelled grasping on to his shoulders. He smiled and took my hands off of him.
"Luckily, she is okay, she is still fragile so be careful. Other than that, she's fine, you may see her now"
I yelled jumping up and down. the doctor chuckled and left me alone. I walked to the door carefully opening it not to make a sound. There she was, sitting on the bed with the white hospital gown, she had some bandages on her face and arms but still managed to look like an angel.
She flicked her head towards me and tears became to fill up her eyes.
"J-jungkook?" She said softly. Somi opened up her arms directing me for a hug. I laughed and ran towards her with the biggest smile ever. My smile suddenly made its way downwards. I snuggled my face in her shoulder and became crying.
"it's all my fault"
She pulled away from the hug and smiled.
"It's okay kookie, I forgive you"
Wiping my tears away, I pecked her cheek.
"It's all my fault your like this, I'm sorry"
She patted my head telling me it's okay, I couldn't be happier. This day has finally came..

After all the things I've done to her, she forgave me
After all the disrespect I gave her, she still cared for me
After all the hate I had for her, she still loved me
How can I find someone as perfect as her?!

I smiled at her..
"I love you too"

After years of not updating, I finally did..yeah~ I know the ending and the story in general is not good..at all, but I hope you enjoyed it! If you guys want an epilogue than comment down below, I'll be glad to make one ☺️ well, it has come to a end, I never thought I'll end it this soon tbh. eh, all well.

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Instagram : nam.juice

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