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School was over about 2 hours ago and Somi was still in the room.It was dark and freezing cold.She was hugging her legs for warmth.Jimin on the other hand was still searching for her but was no where to finding her.He searched everywhere but she was no where to be found.


It was currently 8:45pm.Where the hell is Somi at?I'm on the couch waiting for her to cook me dinner.As I was deep in thought I suddenly remembered I forgot my backpack at school.SHIT!I have 5 worksheets I have to complete!I grabbed my jacket and ran to my car and drove off.

I ran into the school and towards my locker.You must be wondering why it's open at this time, To be honest I don't know..As I was about to leave the school I heard someone bang on the janitor's room.It sounded like it was from the inside.I carefully opened the door and was shocked to see Somi.She looked dead, Her face lost colour and she was shivering.

"SOMI!Are you ok?"

I dropped my bag and kneed down to her.She looked at me with sad emotionless eyes before dropping to the ground.My eyes widened as I shook her.

"SOMI?!Yah Somi!Stop playing tricks!"

At this point I'm completely worried.Who did this?!I carried her bradial style and ran to my car.I buckled her up before driving to the hospital.


The nurses rushed Somi into a room.I sat in a chair and called each of the members.I called Jimin Hyung first because he is the most worried.

"Hey Hyu-"

"JUNGKOOK!Have you seen Somi anywhere?I can't find her!Oh my god please help me!!"

"Hyung don't worry I got her!Come to _______ hospital!"

Before he could answer back and question we I ended the call..


All of the members were here now in the waiting room.The members are actually close to Somi.They just don't know what I do to her..

The docter came out and Jimin Hyung ran towards him.He held his shoulders tightly and bombed him with questions.Namjoon was about to pry Jimin off of the docter..

"Anyways, Nothing really major happened.She just got too cold."

He said looking at his file.

"You may go in if you want, But please 2 out a time"

We all nodded.Just than my phone rung.


"Oppa~ Where were you today?"

"Oh sorry, Som-"


"O-oh, Nothing.."

"Ugh, Anyways come to my house..NOW!"

"Yeah, Ok bye love you"

"Aww~ I love you too Oppa~"

The call ended.

"I'm gonna get going now ok?Arin wants me"

"Arin huh?"

Said Yoongi.I nodded and the members just rolled there eyes.What wrong with them?


I woke up to a fimlar voice.I opened my eyes to see Jimin and Jin staring at me

"SEE!You woke her up!"

Jin 'yelled' He looked back at me and smiled.

"Your awake!Thats good"

I felt a squeeze on my hand.I looked to see Jimin holding it tightly

"Did you know how much I worried?!I couldn't find you ANYWHERE!I checked everywhere"

Jimin said pouting.I slightly smiled with guilt.

"You did?I-I'm so sorry Jiminie!Please for-"

Before I could finish the sentence he cut me off with a hug.

"It's alright.."

He broke the hug and I smiled.

"By the way, Who brought me here?"

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