Moving In

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I woke up by the sun beaming on my face.I looked around and saw I'm in someone's bed room.



"Oppa...I need you"

A few minutes later Jimin oppa came.He saw my tear stained cheeks and asked what happen.I told him everything.I knew I could trust oppa anytime, he was always there for me and never left my side.I tell him everything but not about Jungkook bulling me.Their the best of friends and I just don't want to ruin there relationship.It's very hard keeping a secret about Jungkook bulling me, he would always ask me why I have bruises and wounds all over my body.I could see that he is very worried and it breaks my heart...

After I told him about the marriage thing he brought me to his house..

end of flashback


I heard the door creep open.I turned my head to see Jiminie peeking his head through the crack of the door with a big smile on his face.He came towards me and sat on the bed.

"Oh!Your awake!"

"Yeah,Thanks for last night Jiminie"

I said before tightly hugging him.He smiled back and chuckled.

"I got a call from your mom,She said she wanted you to go home"


I pouted.He sighed and carried me off the bed and into the washroom and sat me on the toilet.

"SomSom..just go"

I pouted once more and nodded "Fine"

He smiled brightly and walked out of the washroom.Screw him and his killer smile..

 I got ready and changed into some new clothes.I always have some extra clothing in Jimin's house because I come here pretty often.I did my routine and headed downstairs.


I sang/yelled..I walked to the kitchen and saw oppa making breakfast.

"You must be hungry,Here eat up"

He said placing a plate of food in front of me.I smiled and thanked him and digged in.

"Wwoah~ Dwis ish suuuu GUD!

I said with my mouth full.I always loved Jimin's cooking,It's da best:3

"Aish!Don't talk with your mouth open!Dirty,dirty.."

I glared at him and continued eating.



I woke up by the sound of Oppa's voice.I looked out the window and saw my house.I sighed and thanked him and walked out the car.I was greeted by Mr.Wang and he led me inside the house.


I heard my mom once I got in the house.

"Annyeong Eomma.."

She kissed both my cheeks and started rambling at how worried she was.I kept nodding the whole time

"Anyways,Mr.Wang..Bring Somi to her new house"

My mom demanded.I staired at her with wide eyes


My mom staired at me and shook her head.

"Just go Somi"

I groned as I walked out of the house.


We arrived at the house,It was a gorgeous mansion.


I went inside the house and looked around.It was freaking beautiful!As I was exploring the house I remembered Jungkook was supposed to be here.


I yelled out.No answer...i shrugged my shoulders thinking he is not here.But I was wrong

"Looking for me?"

I jumped and looked back to see Jungkook.

"O-oh your here"

He smirked and grabbed my hair throwing me to the ground.I groned as I slowly got up but before I could he shoved me back down.

"My girlfriend is coming over so.."

He than grabbed me by the hair and shoved me into a closet.

"Your staying in here, make a sound and your dead got it?"

I nodded my head rapidly while shaking.I love him, but I'm scared of him..He closed the door and locked me in.

A few minutes later I heard a high pitched voice.It must be Arin..Jungkook's one and only girlfriend.I heard everything they were doing, Kissing,Laughing,Talking shit about me,etc..

It hurted..but, It's ok.It started getting super cold in the closet.I was shivering and wanted to yell to have someone get me out but I remembered Jungkook saying if I were to make a sound, I'll me dead.I curled up in a ball and hugged my legs.   


Hey bootyful,How ya doing ;3; How was this chapter?Sorry that it was quite boring and if there was any mistakes I'm sorry again.I was kinda rushing.Just a reminder that I may not be able to update to much.Im not sure yet doe.I been getting lots of homework.I cri but whatever.Ok,I'm gonna go now and do my stupid homework so buh bai!

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