Harleen's Intern Part 1

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I didn't own the imagine it is from tumblr by- imaginemeimaginingyou

"Ok y/n. You can do this. It's no big deal, you've been trained for this. Plus you won't be alone. Dr. Quinzel promised she'd be there the whole time. Breath." You stared at yourself in the bathroom mirror. You've been giving yourself this pep talk all morning. Today was the day. The day you would finally get to work with the clown prince himself. You'd spent weeks preparing yourself, reading and re-reading the Joker's case files. Last week Dr. Quinzel informed you that you were ready to sit in on a few of his sessions. You were incredibly nervous but also excited to finally be working with a client. You'd woken up early as a result of a sleepless night but you didn't mind. You used the extra time to actually eat a decent breakfast and take an extra long shower. You had finished putting on your makeup and you were feeling confident. It was time to go and you were ready to take on the world. Or at the very least a very psychotic criminal. You arrived at Arkham earlier than usual. Dr. Quinzel was waiting for you behind her desk when you entered her office. "Hello y/n. You're early." She said with a smile. "I know. I'm nervous." You replied with a nervous grin. Dr. Quinzel stood up from her desk. " That's perfectly normal. To tell you the truth I was nervous my first time too." She winked at you and headed for the door. You followed behind and felt your heart rate increase with every step you took. "Deep breaths y/n. Don't let him know your nervous. He feeds on that." Dr. Quinzel advised. You nodded your head and took a few deep breaths. Before you knew it the only thing that separated you from the clown prince was a door. Dr. Quinzel placed her hand on the door knob. "Are you ready?" She asked. You tried to control your breathing but you were failing. "As ready as I'll ever be I suppose." You gave a weak smile that Dr. Quinzel returned as she opened the door.
There he was a man with vibrant green hair and the bluest eyes you had ever seen. He was already seated at the table wearing his straight jacket. There were two chairs positioned across from J where there would usually only be one. J never took his eyes off of you as you crossed the room. As you sat down J smiled. "Well what do we have here?" You remained silent while Dr. Quinzel answered for you. "This is y/n, she's going to be joining us for a few sessions." J tilted his head to one side. "How exciting." He replied his smile growing wider. "How about we get started." Dr. Quinzel said gaining your attention. You hadn't realized you'd been staring at J this whole time. Well that can't be good. So much for not attracting unwanted attention to yourself. You quickly refocused your eyes on Dr. Quinzel. Prior to entering the session you had planned on asking your own questions as Dr. Quinzel had encouraged you to do. But somewhere along the way you lost your nerve. Instead you sat quietly as Dr. Quinzel asked J a series of questions. He answered some and ignored others. After ignoring several of her questions, Dr. Quinzel decided to address his silence. "Mister J you seem distracted, What's running through your mind right now?" She asked leaning back in her chair. J continued to stare at you as he answered. "Well Doctor." He grinned. " I was just imaging how it would feel to be between y/n's legs, hearing her moan my name, begging for more." Your eyes shot up darting from J to Dr. Quinzel. She tries to quickly put a stop to the situation. "Mister J I-" she's cut off by J's maniacal laughter. His eye locked with yours as he spoke again. "Tell me y/n, would you like that?" Dr. Quinzel stood up. "Enough. We're leaving. Y/n come with me." She stayed surprisingly calm. You on the other hand couldn't be more flustered. What had she said? Don't let him make you uncomfortable? Yeah about that. Your cheeks were bright red someone on Mars could tell you were uncomfortable. You got up and followed Dr. Quinzel, you heard J let out an angry growl and heard him yell before the door fell shut. "I want an answer doll!"
The walk back to Dr. Quinzel's office was silent. Well that session definitely didn't go as planned. So much for all that confidence. Now you weren't sure if you would ever be able to face him again. As you entered Dr. Quinzel's office she gave you an apologetic look. "Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't think something like that would happen." You gave her a half smile. "It's ok. You couldn't have known." she walked to her desk and sat down. "Please don't let this deter you from sitting in on his sessions. Just come back tomorrow and show him it hasn't affected you. Maybe you should go home early today and relax before tomorrow's session." You nodded thankful you were able to return home. "Ok. Yeah thanks I'll um I'll do that." Showing him he had not affected you however, was going to be a challenge. You returned home and changed into some comfy clothes and lounged around a bit. You spread out on your couch lazily as you replayed the events of earlier over and over again in your head. You allowed your eyes to flutter shut into a world of dreams. 'You were back in that small white room sitting across from J. You were alone with him. Where was Dr. Quinzel? "Answer me doll." You heard J growl. Your eyes darted back to his figure sitting across from you. His arms free of his straight jacket. This isn't right. J stood up from chair and circled around the table leering at you. What was his question? "Tsk tsk tsk. It's a simple question. Yes or no princess?" You didn't know what you should say. So you simply whispered "yes." And prayed it was the right answer. J seemed pleased as a smile had formed on his lips. He held out his hand to you and you took it. You stood and walked towards him. J grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him. "Say it doll. Say it." He slid his hands downward gripping your ass tightly trailing light kisses down your neck and biting when he reached your collarbone. What did he want you say. Then it hit you. The question you never answered. You were just about to answer when you heard your phone go off. That's strange, you shut your phone off when you're at work' You woke up still on your couch noticing your phone lit up on the coffee table. You had a message from your mom. 'Hi sweetie!! I was just checking on you, I know today was your big day! How did it go?' You had been asleep for a few hours and it took your eyes a few minutes to focus. You texted your mom back with a short and sweet message. 'It went great mom! Loved it!' There was no need to worry her with what really happened you knew she would freak out. You were still pretty tired and it was late enough that you could justify going to bed early. You climbed into bed and spend the rest of the night in a dreamless stupor.
You returned to Arkham the next day and went straight to Dr. Quinzel's office. She greeted you with a smile and seemed to be on her way out. "Hi y/n. We're seeing Mister J a little early today, hopefully that's not an inconvenience for you." Your felt your stomach jump at his name and remembered the events from yesterday. You weren't sure if you were ready to face him. "Dr. Quinzel, if you don't mind i'd like to sit this one out. I'm not sure I'm comfortable going back in there just yet." Dr. Quinzel gave you a sympathetic smile. "I understand, it's ok." She continued walking towards the door but turned around before exiting. "You know y/n, you can't let him get to you. I understand if you need time but I would like you to continue coming to his sessions in the future." You nodded a slight smile on your face and she walked out. You sat at Dr. Quinzel's desk going over some case notes to keep yourself busy. You were surprised to see Dr. Quinzel return not 20 minutes later. You thought that was odd since mister J's sessions usually lasted an hour. Whatever the reason she was back so soon, it couldn't be good news. "Well you're back early." You said stating the obvious. Dr. Quinzel looked frustrated. "Mister J refused to talk about anything unless you were present." She answers sounding a bit annoyed. You were stunned. Why would he want you there? "W-why would I need to be there?" You questioned a little hesitantly. Dr. Quinzel answered carefully. "Well, er, you see sweetie sometimes Mister J gets fixated on something. Or someone." She paused for moment trying to find the right words. "When this happens." She continued. "He begins to act out in order to get what he wants." Dr. Quinzel walked closer to her desk sitting on its edge. "I really hate to ask this of you, but it's extremely important I get him to talk to me, will you please attend his next session?" You had a million questions running through your head but couldn't find words to ask them. You nodded your head indicating that you would join Dr. Quinzel at the next session. She reached over and squeezed your arm a wide smile on her face. "Thank you so much y/n, I know this isn't easy but I believe together we can help him." She stood up getting ready to leave for another session. She was to the door when you finally found your voice. "Wait." She turned back around. "Dr. Quinzel, why would he become." You paused a moment and continued, using her words from earlier. "Fixated on me." Dr. Quinzel shook her head. "I'm not sure y/n. But we have to do our best to get him unfixed. Otherwise..." She trailed off before speaking again. "Anyways don't worry I'll be there the whole time. I'll catch up with you later to discuss our next session with mister J." She waved with a smile and shut the door behind her. What the hell was happening. He was fixated on you. You had read his case notes, you knew it wasn't unusual for him to become obsessed with things, or people. But you never thought you'd be one of those things. And being one of Mister J's obsessions absolutely terrified you.

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