Progress Part 1

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" So, did you do as we discussed last time? Finding the one thing that makes you happy, even when you have dark times in your life?" You asked your patient.
"I sure did doc" the patient said back.
"Good, and what is it then?" you asked your patient once again.
"Pain" the patient said.
"Pain? But how can pain make you happy?" you asked your patient, really confused about the answer.
"Yes, pain. I enjoy making other people feel pain" the patient said smirking at you.
"Aha, I see. You sure do enjoy pain sir" you said writing notes down on your notepad.
"Joker. Call me joker" the patient said, leaning forward looking at you.
"Very well, Joker. How has your day been?" you asked him.
"Boring, I need some action" Joker said looking up and down on you, making you feel a little uncomfortable.
"In which way may I ask? You said to Joker, not wanting to know the answer at all.
"Hmm, killing would be nice. Scaring would also be very nice. But it's the sex that I miss" he said searching for a reaction in your face, and he got one.
"I see...When did you last have sex Joker?" you asked him, taking some more notes.
"It's been way too long to remember doc. By the way, what's your name?" Joker asked you, really interested to see if you would lie or not.
"(y/n), that's my name" you said honestly to him.
"Ahhh, what a beautiful name, to a beautiful woman. Ha-Ha" he said with a little laugh.
"Is there anymore you want to discuss before our time is up?" you asked him.
"Yes. Are you a virgin?" he asked you with a low voice.
"Let's not talk about me, but you instead" you said ice cold back to him.
"ANSWER ME!" he yelled, making you jump from the shock.
"No, I'm...I'm not" you said wondering what he should use that information for.
"So, you're a dirty little one I see" he said, standing up from his chair, and start to walk over to you.
"You'll have to sit down, or else I would have to call security" you said in fear of what he could possibly do to you.
"Nah, you wouldn't call the security, would you, you dirty dirty girl" he said lowering his head so that he was right beside your ear when he whispered it to you.
"What if I did" you said to him, not daring to move a bit.
"You won't" he said whispering in your ear once again, this time so close you could feel his hot breath against your skin.
"I'll think that was it for today" you said to him, trying to get out of the very weird situation.
"Is it?" he asked and bit your ear softly.
"Mmmm" you let out a short moan, but then quickly stood up looking at the man with the biggest smirk on his face.
"Yes, yes it is! Thank you for today" you said walking over to the door, waiting for the guard to let you out.
"I need to get out" you said loud so a guard would hear it.
"Why hurry?" you could hear Joker asking from across the room. As he just said that, a guard opened the door for you, and you walked out quickly.
"See you for my next appointment (y/n)" Joker yelled after you and then laughing his famous laugh.

By-Imaginesjoker from Tumblr.

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