Miss V||1

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"Mr Wayne, you have a phone call on line one." You say opening the door to your bosses office staring into his gentle eyes.

"Thank you, Y/N." He says nodding his head as you head out the door.
You work for the famous Bruce wayne as his leading girl. Since the beginning you have always been by his side and a small crush was formed but you never thought it could grow into something more.

About two months ago you discovered sooting unforgettable. You boss was none other than the Batman. The one true crime stopper in this criminal ruled city. They way you found out was when you were on the town one night but not for the club or for a fancy date but for your own mission.

You are not some ordinary girl from Gotham but then again who is. Your name is Black Viper but formally known as Miss V, you don't fall exactly into any crowd. You can be a criminal one day but the crime stopper the next. Depends on what you have to do to survive.


My heels click as i sashay my hips down the stone pathway leading to an abandoned factory. My black dress hugged my curves perfectly as I twirled my hair, playing with the bouncy curls. My knife in my thigh holster and my regular holster around my shoulder with both gun loaded and ready for anything.

I burst through the door making a grand entrance per usual as I wave my pistol in the air waving as the boys staring back with pleasure.
"Aww did my boys miss me?" I say walking towards them flipping my hair to behind my back.

"Of course we did Miss V." One of the business men said standing up to greta you. You kissed both cheeks as you moved on and did the same without he other three.

"So boys, what brings me to this side of town this time?" I question sitting back in the chair I have now claimed as my own.

"We are having an issue with Batman." One of the goons mumbles.
"Well who isn't." I say chuckling lightly.

"Me." I low gravely voice says from the door. The boys snap their heads over looking at the man standing at the door as I simply smile and stand up grabbing my pistol.

"Batman! How sweet of you to join the party." I say sarcastically pointing my pistol at his head, smiling innocently.

"I hate to be a party crasher but I heard there was plotting against me." He says stepping closer ready to disarm me from my weapon.

"Oh but Batman we would never!" I shout looking at the boys. "Right boys?" I say in a more deadly tone.

"Right Miss V." They chime in now arming themselves.

"Hear that B. Nothing to worry about." You say spinning around and walking back to the table before grabbing your knife and hurdling it at his head him dodging it with ease.

"You didn't think it would be that easy did you?" He questions teasingly.
"Oh no but the fun is about to begin." You say charging at him shooting. He dodges quickly and grabs your arm twisting it making you cry out in pain but quickly elbowing him in the nose and getting away.

As you are almost out the door you are knocked off your feet and flown across the hard ground. Batman comes over to pick you up and haul you off before seeing your full face. Mask now carefully knocked off.

"Y/N!?" He yells looking at you.

"Bruce!?" You question before passing out from the headache.

End Flashback

Thats how you two met. He had decided not to turn you in but to take care of you and make sure you stayed out of the crime world, at least for now.

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