Progress Part 2

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The next appointment you had was in 20 mins and it was with the Joker. Since your last appointment, you had been thinking if you should stop being his psychologist, but something about him made you wanna know more. You didn't exactly know what, but there was something.
"Oh shit" you cursed out to yourself. You had been thinking way too long and your appointment started in two minutes. You had to run really fast to get there on time. When you got to the meeting room, you had to catch your breath. After 10 secs of catching your breath you walked inside, seeing Joker already there.
"You're late (y/n), did you forget about me?" Joker said as you passed by him and sat down into your chair, still a bit out of breath.
"I'm sorry, and no how could I" you said as you open up your notepad ready to write in it.
"I missed you too" he said smirking and looking at you.
"I bet you did. So is there anything you want to discuss before we start?" you said smiling at him, trying to be a little more relaxed.
"As a matter of fact, yes there is (y/n)" he said waiting for you to look up from your notepad.
"Okay, go on then" you said as you lifted your head to face him. You crossed your legs and let the notepad rest on your thigh.
"I was thinking, that maybe we could get to know each other a little better" he said as he licked his lips and waited for your answer. You thought about it for a few secs, thinking that it was a great way to get to know him a bit more, and get to know the real Joker.
"Okay, let's do it" you said leaning back into your chair, waiting for him to ask his first question.
"Great" he said and gave you a big smile. "What is your favorite color (y/n)" he asked you as he leaned forward getting a bit closer to you.
"(y/f/c/), that's my favorite color" you said honestly to him.
"That's a great color" he said smirking at you. It was your turn now to ask, and you thought of what you could ask him.
"What is your happiest memory?" you asked Joker and waited for his answer to your question.
"Don't turn this into some psychological questions (y/n)" he said to you as he leaned back in his chair.
"My turn now, because you cheated" he said having a thoughtful look on his face, making you really confused about what just happened. He stood up from the chair, and began to walk around the desk while he looked you into your eyes. He then stopped beside you and you turned around your chair to face him. He sat down on the edge of the desk, and now you two were inches away from each other.
"Hmmm, what could I ask you..." he said as he looked up and down your body. You felt a bit uncomfortable, but you also wanted to see what he was going to do. He leaned down so his face was at the same level as yours.
"Ahhh, I got it. When was your last kiss (y/n)?" he asked watching the reactions in your face.
"Uhhh...I can't remember to be honest" you said looking down at your hands and started to blush. You seriously couldn't remember when you last kissed someone. It's been months since you had something with guy.
"Aww, are you sure that you don't remember doll? He said looking at you, as you played with your fingers. He didn't believe that you couldn't remember when you last kissed. You were such an attractive girl, so he found it odd that you haven't been making out with someone lately.
"It's been awhile, so yes I can't remember it right now.." you said while lifting your head up to face him.
"That's" he said while getting closer to you. You didn't move, but just sat there looking at him getting closer to you.
"too" slowly getting closer to your face and inches away from your lips.
Your alarm went off, letting you know that your session was over. Your lips had just lightly touch, and you really wanted to feel his lips on yours.
"Our session is over" you said quietly, almost a whisper and still in the same postion.
"sad.." he said ending the sentence he started few moments ago.
"Um, I have to go" you said slowly moving away from him, his eyes watching your every move. You stood up from your chair and looked at him really wanting to stay. You started to walk towards the door, even though you didn't want to.
"See you for my next appointment" he said still watching you as you walked out from the room where something almost magical happened.

It'll have a part 3
By-Imaginesjoker from Tumblr

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