Miss V || 2

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I sat with my hands tied to a chair and a burning feeling in my side. My head bobbed up and down going in and out of consciousness. I tried to move body, attempting to gain at least some feeling in my finger tips and toes but alas I have failed.

My mind starts to wander to where Bruce could be. He never came to get you...maybe he didn't care about you that much. With your clouded thoughts you began to tear up. You had your own way of playing mind games with yourself, tearing yourself apart inside.

As you start to let tear drops fall, the door swings open and enters a smiling Joker. "My dear doll, how are we today?" He sings casting a smile down upon you.

All you can do is mumble, not being able to pronounce words fluently or at all.
"Whats the matter? Cat got your tongue!" He screeches as he laughs his signature laugh causing you to cringe. "I know what will make you feel better my dear!" He skips around the room grabbing a bottle of water and a granola bar.

He drops it at your feet and unties your legs and arms giving your face a few easy slaps as he exits the room. "Ill be back later doll. Ive got a job for you." He smirks walking away and slamming the metal door locking it.

You reach down shakily and grab the granola bar you slowly eat it out of fear that it could be poisoned after all last night you had a knife to your throat and well more than one gun pointed at your head.

You were on everyones hit list as the number one traitor of Gotham. Once you finish the food you down the water like the shots you were taking maybe hours before. You weren't quite sure what time it was but you didn't think you had been out for long.

You move to your side where a burning feeling is being etched into your skin. Hesitantly you lift up your shirt. On the side of your hip is a dark tattoo, branding you.

'Property of J.' Reads across your waist. You were his now and there was no going back.

You began to cry clutching your side as you fell to the floor as you began to pity yourself, you remembered who you were. You started to laugh hysterically rolling around on the floor now. You were Miss V, Madame Viper, the Black Viper.

You are the kickass villain, crime stopping badass women you were only years ago. And there was no way in hell that anyone especially the joker would stop you.

You stood up straightening out your worn down dress and carefully paced around the room, looking for any way out. You heard a knock on the door and small food slot opened like it would in a high level prison your head snapped over.

"If you want a full meal you will need to come over and get it." One of J's henchman grumble.

You slowly creep over to the side where he can't see you. "Miss V are you okay?" He questions his voice becoming shaky. "Boss will be pissed if you are hurt." He mumbles to himself opening the door to come in and see where you are.

He opens the door and you slide out of it closing it hard and loud. Enough for the man inside to hear. "Idiot, you should know not to open the door with a criminal inside." You scoff looking at your now chipped fingernails.

The guy bangs on the door begging for you to come back mumbling how Joker is going to kill him all you can do is laugh. Grabbing his gun off the floor and practically skipping out the front door.

You steal one of the black cars parked pout front and speeding off into the distance. You begin to reach Bruce's place when a fit of rage overcomes you. Why the hell didn't he come for you.

You have been nothing but loyal to him and this is how he treats you. You were not only pissed but you were livid.

You climb put of the car slamming it as you carelessly throw the keys over your shoulder. This wasn't your car what are you to do with it. You walk up the stairs to his mansion swinging open the door.

"Bruce!" You yell walking through his house calling for him but no response was given.

Alfred comes from outside, looking in a disturbed matter. "Y/N? What are you doing here, master Wayne has gone out to look for you." He states fixing his jacket and combing back his hair.

"Well he did a great job didn't he." You seethe showing your hands in the air making a dramatic motion.

You pace around the room a little longer before you sit on the couch you take in your attire. You ripped gold dress no longer shines, your hair is tousled and not in the good way and don't even get me started on your makeup. You looked like a complete mess and not a hot one.

As you are gaining composure the door swings open like it did moments before when you arrived only this time it was Bruce. His hair was messy and the circles under his eyes were dark.

"Master Wayne, she is here." You heard Alfred say.

Bruce coming waltzing in around the corner stopping at the door frame taking you in. "W-What happened?" He questions looking down to the ground obviously feeling guilty for putting you through the torte of the Joker.

"Oh you know, just playing games with the Joker." You spat rolling your eyes getting up off the couch and pointing a finger at him backing him into he wall.

"Did you try saving me after you realized oh shit maybe something went wrong and I should go check on her!?" You yelled pushing him further into the wall.

"Damn you look hot when your angry." He smirks trailing his hand down your side.

This threw you off. Here you were screaming at him and all he could do was find you sexy. You laugh out of pure craze and lean against him grabbing his shirt pulling it towards you. "Im still pissed." You say through your teeth not being able to stay mad at him for long.

"Well, why don't I make it up to you." He says grabbing your waist and picking you up with ease. "Ill make it worth your while" He whisper biting your neck surely leaving a mark.

While this would usually cause you to swoon, that excitement didn't hit you like it usually does. Something was off. He wasn't turning you on you needed something more, you needed something rough like the Joker.

Oh my god.

You were actually thinking about the Joker right now!?

I mean his pale complexion and perfect facial structure was hard to resist, plus his metal teeth sent shiver down your body and oh those tattoos were to die for.

Your head was spinning with the thoughts of the Joker when It hit you.

You had fallen for the Psychopath.

Finally part two
From Tumblr btw.


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