Progress Part 3

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As you were on your way to Joker's appointment with you, your thoughts were filling up your head. You were actually getting mad at yourself and why? Because as a professional psychologist you shouldn't have feelings for a patient.
"wait.. I have feelings for him..?" you stopped on your way saying out loud what you just thought. 'No! I'm going to be professional at this!" you thought to yourself as you began once again to walk towards the room where Joker was waiting for you. All the way to the room you had been cursing and talking to yourself and as you walked into the room you still cussed at yourself.
"And they say I have a problem, HA-HA-HA!" Joker said as he watched how your cursed yourself out.
"I'm not the one killing people" you said hard and cold back at him.
"Ouch..That was a bit harsh doc" he said to you as he held up his hand in front of his heart to show that you broke his heart or at least hurt his feelings.
"Should we get going?" you said still being cold and harsh.
"Wait a minute (y/n), why are you acting so strange?" Joker said as he stood up from the chair that was in front of your desk. He started to circle around you like you were some kind of prey.
"Yeah right, I'm the one acting strange" you said as you cleared your throat, felling uncomfortable with him circling around you.
*Growls* "Are you trying some kind of a mind game (y/n)" Joker said as he stopped circling you and stood right beside you. You felt his surprising warm hand grab your shoulder and he squeezed a bit.
You quickly shook of his hand and rushed up from you chair and walked away over to the window to look outside. You were so confused, because when you tried to be harsh against him you felt regret. You sighed as you looked out the window and out from the corner of your eye you could see Joker getting closer to you. Soon he stood right beside you and he caressed your cheek.
"What's wrong baby girl" he said as he kept caressing your right cheek. 'Baby girl, why would he say that..I mean I don't like it, but yet I do' you thought to yourself as you turned to face him.
"This..This isn't going to work out, you know that right?" you said as you looked up at him and grabbed his hand to remove it from your cheek.
"I'm afraid I have no clue on what you're saying (y/n)" he said as a smirk started to form on his face.
'Wait what! You just called me baby girl while you were caressing my goddamn cheek!! You almost kissed me at our last appointment and at the one before that you bit my god damn ear! Idiot!' your thoughts were flying around in your head almost making you feel like your head was about to explode. What was it that he was trying to do to you?
"What" was the only word you could get out of your mouth. Of all the words filling up your head, that was the only one escaping your lips.
"I said..." Joker said as he pulled you closer to him so now your bodies were moving against each other.
"I'm afraid I don't have a clue on what you're saying" he said as he growled looking down at you his eyes filled with lust. He wanted to feel your lips just as much as you wanted to feel his. You couldn't speak, first of all because you were now so close to a murderous psychopath, so you were afraid he was going to either hurt you or kill you. And second, because when you looked into his eyes you got totally lost in them, they were so beautiful. Joker saw how you couldn't speak and he caressed your cheek once again.
"Would you mind showing me what you mean?" he said as he lowered his head almost so your lips touched once again.
You stood there for a few secs before you cursed out "Fuck it" and crashed your lips against his, and oh my they felt good. They were so soft and it felt like you were in heaven. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he held onto you so tight. Your lips worked together like a beautiful symphony and you started to take your hand through his green hair. He grabbed under your butt making you jump up and wrap your legs around his waist. He turned around with you and walked towards the desk. He loved the felling of your lips and he never wanted to leave them. He sat you down on the desk and he cupped your face while you were still kissing each other. You messed up his hair and pulled him closer to you. The sexual tension between you two was crazy and you absolutely loved it. His hand started to travel down on your left side of your body and it gave you goosebumps.
You were cut off by the alarm as your session was over. You pulled away from each other and looked into each other's eyes. "I think I need to get more appointments with you doc" he said as he smirked at you still out of breath from the make out session you two just had. You smiled and let out a chuckle "I'll just write down that you need more sessions" you said as you also were trying to catch your breath. He took a good grip onto you and lifted you off the table. You fixed your clothes as they were kinda all over the place from the hot make out session and he fixed his hair that you just minutes ago messed up as your fingers were traveling around in it.
"I'll have to go now" you said as you stepped closer to him.
"Alright baby girl, see you for my next appointment" he said as he lifted up your chin and kissed you once more. Him calling you 'baby girl' made you so weak in your knees and you just wanted to stay with him forever. As he pulled away he looked at you and winked, you let out a chuckle once again and then you spun around on your heels, walking towards the door. When the door was opened and you just walked out a little you turned around a winked back at him. He smirked and waved goodbye at you. You walked away and down the hallway, you had never in your life had a day as good as this one, and you knew that more of them were coming.

By-Imaginesjoker on Tumblr.

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