Like Mother Like Daughter

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The table was silent except for the sounds of forks scraping against plates and the Jokers cane tapping on the ground. You could feel the tension building up around you and your fathers eyes burning a hole into the side of your boyfriends head.

You looked over at your mother playing with her blue tipped pigtail giving you an encouraging smile. You turned to see your father who hadn't even touched his food, too busy gripping his cane and keeping close watch on the boy across from you.

The boy was sweating bullets and his silverware was shaking in his hand. To calm him down you slipped your foot out of your shoe and ran it up and down his leg to calm him down. A small smile spread across his face and he looked up at you and you winked at him.

The signal you gave to let him know that later on that night you two would be able to release all the anxiety building up.

Joker saw the sudden change in the boy and the relaxation wash over him. He took one hand off the cane and suddenly slammed it on the table causing your date to jump out of his skin.

You shot your father an angry look and he huffed and leaned back trying to calm down himself. He finally picked up his fork and started to dig into the meal in front of him, still keeping his cane in one hand as if he were going to smack the boy with it.

You brought your foot higher up your boyfriends leg to bring him back to a calm place. You could feel him shaking so you kept raising your toes higher and higher until you reached the place that would really relax him.

The silence in the room was driving you insane though, you had to say something, anything to break the ice. You sighed and looked across the table with your toes gave your boyfriend their full attention.

"Hmmm" you said silently looking at the salt and pepper "Frost really slacked with the dinner didn't he?" no one responded besides some glances so you continued looking over at Joker "Daddy can you pass the salt?"

Suddenly you felt the slight wind blow your hair back as two arms reached over the table and set their hands on the salt. It was like time froze as you got tunnel vision on the two hands, a bare one rested on top of a pale gold ring wearing one.

"Uh-oh" you and Harley said at the same time. Your boyfriend quickly drew back his hand like he had placed it over a flame and Joker kept his hand firm.

Without taking his eyes off of the boy your father passed you the salt.

"Here you are princess." you took it from his hand unable to speak and scared to look at your date, you took your foot away and put it back in your shoe. "So" your father began and your heart stopped "What do we have here?"

Before you or your boyfriend could say anything a purple flash went across his face and his nose exploded in blood. You were so jolted by it you pushed your seat back away from the table. He collapsed to the floor and both Joker and Harley stood up.

Your father stepped over the boy laying on the ground and started hitting him more and more, harder and harder with the cane. You ran over behind your father to grab his arm to stop him but he was too strong.
"Stop Daddy!" you yelled at him still trying to pull him back.

"Oh I'm sorry princess." he said with a psychotic grin on his face now kicking the boy in the rib cage. "I don't know who you're talking to!" he started laughing and you looked over at Harley who was admiring the situation for help but she was lost in her fantasy world.

"Daddy please don't kill him! I'll never forgive you." you said as a last ditch effort.

The Joker slowed down his kicks and breathed in heavily. As much as he wanted to rip the boys head off he didn't want to hurt you and especially didn't want you mad at him. He knew your threats weren't idle. I went to give one last kick but you wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his back and he sighed out placing his head back on top of yours.

Harley finally snapped back in reality to help you "Oh c'mon puddin! It's kind of funny isn't it? Like mother like daughter!" she said with an equally insane grin.

"You're not helping Harls!" he hissed at her.

Your boyfriend moaned in agony crawling away, when he heard Harley he slowly turned around revealing his battered and bruised body. His head was gushing blood and his eyes were rolling into the back of his head. He looked up at you delusional and slurring his words trying to defend himself losing consciousness.

"Yeah (y/n) tell him no matter how many times I beg you won't call me that during sex."

Oh dear fucking christ in heaven are you fucking serious you thought to yourself before your father broke out of your arms and unleashed the animal inside of him and began punching the boy nonstop.

You didn't try to intervene and save him this time, you knew there was no preventing your father from doing this and now you sort of didn't want to. Harley walked over to you putting her arm around your shoulder.

"Why are men such idiots mommy?" you looked up at her.

"Eh, they can't be pretty and smart." the Joker was beating him so hard the blood was gaining more and more momentum in the air. "Women just can't have everything I guess." the two of you giggled together.

"TOUCH MY PRINCESS WILL YA!?" your father screamed at the boy whose face was no unrecognizable from the swelling already beginning to form. The sound of bones cracking made you turn your face into your mothers arms.

The Joker stood up and slammed his foot into the boys throat "ANSWER ME". He spat blood out of his mouth trying to speak but the Joker pressed down harder.


"Want me to stop em baby?" she asked concerned.

"Nah, let him learn." you snapped back before you and her went back to your dinner. All you could do at that point was what you intended, put salt on your food.

The sound of blood splashing and limbs cracking finally stopped and your father walked back to the table pushing his green hair back and adjusting his gold chains. Blood dripped from his knuckles and covered his shirt but none of it was his. He sat down at the table an took a napkin to wipe his cane down.

Harley put her nail in her mouth and started biting down twirling her hair and giving him teasing looks. At least someone is getting laid tonight you thought. You looked over at him with puppy dog eyes hoping his anger wouldn't transfer over to you.

"I hope you know princess." he began to speak "that you're never going to see him again." he started to laugh his classic laugh looking over at the limp body on the ground.

You took a bite of your food letting all that just happened sink in.

The Joker laughed louder at the body and called over to it "Never again! Ain't that right kid?"

He started howling now and leaned over on the table to look at you and Harley for reassurance. Harley winked at him and you just took another bite of your food letting out a wild laugh even more psychotic than your fathers.

"Mhhmm it's much better with salt!"

Well shit....
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