Harleen's Intern Part 2

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After returning home you spent half the night going over different scenarios in your head about what the next session would be like. You anticipated J continuing to make comments with the intention of making you uncomfortable. You wanted to be prepared, you wanted to show him he didn't intimidate you, even if he did you refused to show it, you wouldn't let him have that power over you. You replayed scenario and after scenario in your head and rehearsed what you should say should the opportunity present itself. It was four in the morning before you went to bed and did so because you knew you should not because you were tired. You didn't sleep, only grew more frustrated as the hours ticked by bringing you closer to the moment that you would have to face Mister J once more. You had your alarm set for 7 am but shut it off before it could begin it's annoying wake up call. You made your way to the bathroom and brushed your teeth, you skipped the pep talk deciding it would be of no use. You took a quick shower and dried your hair pulling it back into a messy bun. You were in a serious mood and you needed to look the part. You knew there would be a power struggle in that room today and you intended on winning.
You sat in the Arkham parking lot staring up at the building from the driver's seat. Truth be told you were terrified to go back into that room. Not because you were afraid of J, but because you needed to prove not only to yourself but also Dr. Quinzel that you could do this. You stepped out of your car and made your way into the building. 'You can do this y/n. Fake it til you make it.' You repeated this in your head until you reached Dr. Quinzel's office. She was sitting behind her desk when you entered shuffling through some papers. She smiled when she realized you had entered. "Ah! Y/n I'm glad your here early, there's something I would like to discuss with you before today's session." You walked over to Dr. Quinzel's desk and sat down in the chair across from her. "Ok." You replied. Dr. Quinzel folded her hands in front of her before she started. "First off I just wanted to thank again for doing this, I understand it must be hard for you. I also think it would be beneficial to you if you were to take charge of the session." All the anxiety you worked so hard to repress these last several hours had busted its way to the surface again. "W-what do mean take charge?" You stammered a bit. "I'll still be there of course, and I'll step in should things start to go sour, but I feel it's important for you to take control of the situation so that Mister J knows that he can't behave that way around you." You nodded your head and took a deep breath. "Ok, I can do that." 'Or at least pretend to.'
It was time for mister J's session, you stood outside of the door and attempted to shake away the nerves one last time. This time you entered the room first. J was staring at the wall in front of him, as you walked around the table and came into J's view his face lit up and he allowed a smile to form on his lips. "Well well well, if it isn't my sweet little princess." You sat directly across from him and mustered up as much courage as you could. "Mister J, comments like that are highly inappropriate and I would appreciate it if you would call me y/n or nothing at all." Dr. Quinzel seemed pleased with how you responded to J's comment. J let out a small laugh. And directed his next comment towards Dr. Quinzel. "So she does speak!" His gaze returned you. "Such a pretty voice. Now I can imagine what it would sound like for you to scream my name." You looked at Dr. Quinzel feeling your confidence falter. She nodded for you to continue. "Mister J, I'm here to help you and I can't do that if you continue to make remarks like this." J let out another outburst of laughter. "Ok doll. I mean y/n." He said the smile never leaving his face. "Go ahead, help me." You began to ask a few questions some of which belonged Dr. Quinzel but she thought it best if you asked them. You were shocked at how well the session was going. You began to relax a little as you asked questions and J answered them without any risqué comments.
There was about 15 minutes left in the session when there was a knock on the door. Dr. Quinzel gestured for you to continue while she attended to the situation outside. When she returned she looked a little nervous. "Y/n I need to step out for a few minutes, would you be ok to stay with Mister J? If not we can end today's session early." J looked very displeased with Dr. Quinzel's comment. You felt like you were finally getting somewhere with J and you felt confident enough to be alone with him. "It's fine Dr. Quinzel I can stay with Mister J." You said with a smile. J looked incredibly pleased. "Ok then, remember the guards are just outside should you need them and I'll be back in a few minutes." Dr. Quinzel left the room and you refocused your attention on J. "Alone at last." He said. "U-um yes, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't continue. Next question." You started to get nervous again as you ran through the list of questions you could ask him. "Yes." J said "How about you answer mine." He continued. You gave him a confused look. "I'm not sure I understand." He suddenly stood up and began to walk around the table slowly. "Don't play dumb kitten. I told you I wanted an answer and I expect one." He couldn't seriously be talking about the last session. J was becoming dangerously close to you and instinctively you stood up and back away from him. "Tell me princess, have you thought about what it would feel like to have me between your legs? Fucking you senseless?" He kept walking toward you and you continued to back away until you felt the wall crash against your back. "Mister J this is completely inappropriate and I would appreciate it if you sat back down." He had you pinned to the wall. Even though his arms were bound in his straight jacket you still couldn't manage to push him off you. "Please princess call me daddy." He said a smirk playing on his lips, his face was inches from yours. "Now how about you loosen these straps so the fun can begin." He leaned into you further gesturing to his arms. "You're insane." You said a little above a whisper. J's smile disappeared. "That's why I'm in here doll." You knew you should call someone for help but the words were stuck in your throat. He continued. "Tell me you haven't thought about me. What it would feel like to have my lips pressed against your most delicate areas." His smiled returned and nuzzled your neck every so lightly. "Give it time doll. I'll break you eventually." Just then Dr. Quinzel reentered the room. Taking control of the situation she immediately called for the guards. A couple of burly men entered the room and pulled J away from you. You stared back at him as they pulled him away. "You couldn't break me if you tried." You said attempting to show The clown prince you weren't intimated by him. "Is that a challenge?" He grinned. "Ooooooh I love challenges." The guards dragged him out of the room and you could hear his laughter ringing through the halls. You let yourself crumple to the ground. You never had control of the situation, he simple made you believe you did, and if he could make you believe that what else could he do?

By-the same OF part 1 on Tumblr

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