This Life

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(Hey! This is a story about... Well... U better look on the description to see! Hehe! Warning: I am to attack your feels....)


Don't let the sunshine fall from the sky

Let the sunshine in your own mind.


Chapter one- New Girl, New Life

"ARRIIIIIII!! ARIANA GET UP AT ONCE!" Shouted a crystal clear voice, sending me straight out of my safe land and into the harsh reality. When I wake up, I'm too scared to open my eyes. I never want to open my eyes, I just want to slip into a peaceful sleep and never be awakened. Sadly, that's not how the world works, so I force my self out of bed and tiptoe to the mirror, my feet gently padding against the smooth wooden-panels. Lifting my head, I stare into the eyes of a girl I cannot remember. This girl, the girl staring right back me, with the full hazelnut eyes and the hip-length hair takes me aback. The girls sad, lost, enclosed in a world of which she can't get out of, no matter how hard she fought against it's grip. I turned away quickly, not wanting to look back at the girl in the mirror. Dragging myself to the wardrobe, I pick out a white plaited blouse and black shorts. The new school I'm going to apparently don't have a school uniform. Seemingly the only upside to me and Clem moving here. I quickly change into the clothes and brush out my hip-length hair, putting it in a braid. The braid goes down to halfway down my slender body. Hearing the pitter-patter off small feet racing to my door, I quickly brush my teeth and put a hopefully reasonable fake smile on my face before Clem bursts into the room, immediately making it a better place with her aura shining out of her. Clementine, who I just call Clem or Clemmy for short, is my little sister, with the same brown hair as me, just cut to her shoulders, and her piercing blue eyes radiating with her usual cheeriness. Clem's never sad, it's strange, after everything we've gone through. Clem runs over to me and envelopes me in a squishy hug. "Hey, are you ok?" I ask, gasping for air. She finally lets the grip loosen, and looks up at me smiling. "Yep! Are you ok?" Clem replies. She always asks this. All the answers swirl through my mind, the ones that I can't say. Lost, sad, desperate, angry, depressed. You can't say that to a child though, so I reply with the usual answer. "Yes"


"Bye!" My little sister says, her hair swishing down her back like a waterfall as she speeds into her school, completely unfazed by any of it. I sigh, shaking my head with a near smile on my face. Turning the engine back on, I start to drive to my new school. Silver stone high. Parking my car, I quietly get out of it and grab my messenger bag, slipping it on my shoulder. The school looked ancient, like it had come from a story. The grey walls had vine-like things attached to it.

(dunno what there called so yeah. YOLO right?)

Millions of pupils were around the school gates, mostly all in groups. Dread pulled me down. I'm going to be one of the loners, one of the people that just walk around by themselves and get bullied non-stop. Like I hadn't had enough of that in my last school, or should I say practically my whole life! My eyes didn't leave the ground as I walked Into the school. Bad idea. Suddenly, I crashed into someone and all the books I had been carrying fell to the ground. "Oh god! I-I'm so sorry.." I stuttered, bending down to grab them. "No, no it's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going!" Came the reply, crouching to help. I looked up, and was met by the brightest brown eyes I had ever seen. Without realising, I blushed and stood up. The boy handed me the books he had grabbed and gave me a smile, his pearly white teeth showing. I smiled back, a tinge of red still displayed on my cheeks. The boy had brown hair, just like me, and the same colour of eyes, although his were so much different in a way. They practically shone with happiness, not a hint of depression or sadness, the reflection I had gotten used to see. "Hi, Im Josh" the boy said, extending his hand for me to shake. I gently took it and shook it. "Ari. I guess you've met my books" I said, Immediately regretting it. 'Stupid stupid stupid!' I scolded myself. Turning my eyes back to his, I could see silent chuckles shaking his body. 'Oh great, now you've embarrassed yourself! Happy?' Saying to myself. "Your funny" Josh said, breaking the silence. Surprisingly, he didn't seem like that I looked stupid. He looked at me as if I was a normal person. "Uhm.. Thanks" my voice arose, quietly. Josh grinned again, showing his teeth. "Josh! JOOOOSHHHHHH!" Shouted a voice. I turned to the direction, and saw a person running towards us. "WHOA WHOA WHOA!" The guy said stopping infront of me and Josh. "Sam..." Josh started.

"Who's this? Your lady friend?" The boy said, who's name appeared to be Sam. I could tell that he was the comedian and flirty guy, just by those few words. "No, I just bashed into her" Josh said, looking at him, telling Sam something with his eyes. Most likely that this girl was insane. I turned away from their view. "Nice going! Bashing into a pretty girl like her! Betcha got the hots for her don't you?" Sam exclaimed, clearly ignoring Josh. "You do!! I can see it from your face! Haha!"

"Sam. Shut. Up." Josh replied, obviously embarrassed.

"Hey! Sam, josh!" Another voice rose from the crowd. 'Oh great, I'm gonna get embarrassed not infront of 2 people, now 3!'

The girl, with rosy cheeks and chestnut eyes walked towards us, hugging Sam when she eventually came over. He hugged her back, planting a kiss on her head. I turned away before I could make a face. Josh chuckled, obviously noting my expression. "Hi! I'm Katie!" The girl said, walking up to me and smiling warmly. Her smile was infectious, I have to say, making me give her a weak but warm smile in return. "Hey, I'm-"

"Ari. Her names Ari." Sam finished for me. I gave him a glare, and Katie just laughed.

"He always does that, he only does it to annoy you. By the way, if he offers you a sugarcube, never deny it. Your lucky to be offered one by THE Sam Claflin" Katie whispered in my ear. I nodded, a few giggles escaping me.

The bell rang, marking the start of the school day. I groaned. "Do you know where your locker is?" Katie asked.

I peered at the slip of paper with notes that I got over the phone, and nodded.

"212" I replied quietly.

"My lockers beside yours. Locker buddies!" Sam exclaimed, giving me a friendly dig in the ribs. I shook my head laughing. Maybe being here wasnt as bad as I thought it would be.


(Sooo... Watcha think? :3 Lolz I can hear you saying 'wtf did I just read?' >:3 hehe. Anyways...






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