Chapter Ten

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(Hi my little readers! Merry Christmas!! Hope you had a good Christmas! And to my readers that don't celebrate Christmas, hope you are having a good holiday so far! I got a signed Catching Fire poster!! jabxkabsjabdsodbowsbsodb!!! I'm so grateful ☺anyways, enjoy!)

Chapter Ten- 2 Months.

2 months later


It's been 2 months. 2 months since Clem went missing that day. Its also been 2 months since I saw that shadowy figure wearing her hat, mocking me. I haven't gone to school over the months she's been gone, in hope that Clem would return one day. She hasnt. I won't ever lose hope though. I know she will come back.

I've blocked everyone out. The only people I allow in to see me are my closest friends. Josh, Catherine, Liam, Katie and Sam. No one else has been allowed to visit, but it's not like anyone has bothered anyway. Some nights I wake up from horrible nightmares, and they only get worse.

It's winter. By this time, Clem would usually be ushering me outside to play in the snow with her. Making snow angels, building snowmen, sitting infront of the fire, steaming hot chocolate in hand. Clem loved hot chocolate. I couldn't say that I didn't either.

I could hear the door creak open as I say curled up in the seat infront of the fireplace, blazing away. In a flash, I directed my eyes to the door, hoping it was Clem. My hope came crashing down as a familiar face strode through the door, a little gift in his grip, wrapped up in wrapping paper tightly. I looked down, turning away and staring into the fire. The blaze danced, it's light radiating off my face, it's heat instantly warming me up.

"Hi Josh" I mumbled, turning back round to face him. I saw some sadness reflect off his eyes. A pang of guilt hit me in the chest. He means well. He walked over, sitting down beside me.

"Hi" He whispered, popping the gift into my frozen fingers grasp. Trailing my fingers across the beautiful wrapping, I traced the swirls of golden laced around it. My eyes locked onto his.

"This is for me?" I replied, my voice barely audible.

"Yeah" Josh nodded, motioning for me to open it. "Its from all of us"

Delicately, I teared open the wrapping, and my eyesight blurred with tears. Inside, was a frame, containing one little picture full of memories. It was the day I first introduced Clem to the others. We were all smiling, damp haired and bright eyed. Clem's smile was the brightest out of all of us, sitting comfortably on Josh's shoulders, her smile reaching her ears.

A tear slipped down my cheek, dropping onto the photo frame.



"This is my sister, Clementine, but we call her Clem" I explained, pulling my sister infront of me gently. She eyed everyone up, observing silently. Clem watched people cautiously before deciding if they will be trusted or not.

It fascinated me, because she's usually right about whenever people are to be trusted or not. Her eyes scanned Sam first, who gave her a wink. She moved on to Katie, and nodded with a smile. Clem had met her before. Next was Catherine, who she immediately liked. Liam was the same. Finally, she turned to Josh. I held my breath. Josh stood there awkwardly. Clem looked up at me.

"Is that the guy you like?" She asked, quite loudly. Everyone laughed, including Josh, who's cheeks had turned a little red. I could feel myself burning up too.

"Clem! I don't." I mumbled the last part.

"Yeah it is! God she talks about you ALL the time! It's hard to make her shut up when she gets started!" Clem continued, making hand gestures to show how much I talked about him.

I could see Josh bright red. Thanks Clem.

"Clem!" I hissed, glaring at her.

"Sorrrryyyyy" came the reply, walking over to Sam

"Hi!" She exclaimed, extending her arm. Sam looked at it for a second, and lifted her up in a flash. Clem shrieked with laughter, patting his head.

"Ok, your fine." She giggled, walking to the next person once she was down.

She hugged Katie, smiling warmly

"Hi Katie" She grinned, loosening her grip. Katie nodded and returned the smile. Next was Catherine and Liam, who she really liked. Lastly, was Josh.

She prodded him with a finger gently, making him squirm.

"Now. You be nice to my sister and look after her, alright?" She said, her face completely serious.

" I will" Josh replied, with just the same seriousness in his face. Clem cracked a smile at him, and patted him on the arm.



Tears started rapidly falling onto the frame, making it wet. Josh immediately moved the photo frame from my grasp, and pulled me into a hug. He hummed into my ear softly.

"It's ok. It's ok."

This time, the sobs didn't hit me as hard as they usually did, but I was usually alone when they started.

"I just.. I just miss her" I said, crying into his shirt.

"I know. We all do." He replied, quietly stroking my hair like he usually does. Josh has his ways to calm me down. It works all the time. Anger boiled inside me when I thought about the kidnapper. Why would someone do that to a sweet and innocent girl? Who? I didn't know anyone who would do that. It suddenly hit me in my face. Why didn't I realise sooner?? I stood up quickly, running to the window. Again, for a split second, I saw the bright purple of Clem's hat being radiated from the moons light. Josh quickly stood beside me. How did I not realise before.

Mother's taken Clem again.


DAMN DAT CLIFFHANGER! Hehe ^^ I might update again today, I'm not entirely sure. I've got my cousins and family coming over to my house, so I might have time if I'm lucky! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!







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