Chapter Fifteen

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(Hi hi, My Little Tributes! I made this quote:

✨We are all tributes in lives never- ending games. Some will become

victors, some will not, but we will all leave a mark in the arena✨

Ekkkkkk!! Is it ok? I think it's pretty cool! ^_^ anyways, HERE'S YA STORY!)

Chapter Fifteen- Staying Here

2 weeks later


Sunlight pours in from the window, reflecting off the mirror close to the hospital bed as I gaze outside. I'm not allowed out of the hospital for a few days, since they need to monitor my progress healing wise from the wounds inflicted by Elster. I can still see them, even though their fainter than they used to be, less bold and angry-looking. Clem's came to visit me a few times, being brought in by Josh, when he visits. Katie and Sam are looking after her, since they have their own house and they have a spare bedroom for her. I really need to say thank you to them. Catherine and Liam have been taking her to school, which ends today in a few minutes, for the past couple of weeks. I'm so glad I've got her back. My fingers shakily but surely tie the knots on the rope as I sit crossed-legged on the bed. I'm not allowed to sit cross-legged incase I open up some cuts on my legs, but I do it anyway. Over the past week, I've become quite a good knot-tier, since I've got alot of spare time on my hands. My friends are at school, so I don't have anyone to talk too. Occasionally the nurses come in or some interviewers, but apart from that I'm alone, only my thoughts for company. Basically, I'm bored as hell.

Half an hour later-

The door opens slowly, and Clem bursts into the room, lighting it up just with her presence. She's getting better, the red marks covering her petite figure barely visible, but the bandage around her wound imprinted on her temple is still there. She manages to cover it wearing her purple hat though. Ever since dad got her that hat, it's never been off. Ever. She goes to bed with it on, no one can tell her otherwise. Clem's got an emotional attachment to it, and I understand why. It was a gift from dad before he died, so it's going to be special to her. I don't have anything left from dad, but I've got Clem, and that's close enough for me. I open my arms, inviting her for a hug, ignoring the sharp pains surging through my arms. She hops in, squeaking away about what she had been doing.

"Today was so fun! Josh took me to the park to see the gang, and we all played piggybacks! Me and Josh won! Sam wasnt happy about that, so he dropped his ice cream on the ground and started crying, but he wasnt really crying!" Clem exclaimed, a look of excitement plastered against her face. I don't think Sam was pretending to cry to be honest, but I wasn't there so I don't know for sure.

"That must have been fun!" I laughed, shifting to get a bit more comfortable, causing me to nearly fall off the bed.

"ARI!" Clem screamed, jumping off of my lap before I nearly fell to the ground. Nearly. Luckily, arms were underneath me to catch me, and turn me around to face the owner.

"Your welcome, I practically saved your bahonie" Josh chuckled, giving me a hug. Blushing furiously, I punched him on the arm gently, and sat back down onto the bed.

"What was that for!"

"That was for hugging me without my permission" I answered, folding my arms.

"So I'm not allowed to hug my friend without permission?" He questions. The word friend hits me quite hard. Friend. Nothing more. Never will be. I will always be just a friend. Josh looks at me concerned. Great, I showed how hurt I was. Idiot. I could feel a light squeeze on my arm, bright eyes staring into my soul. Clem.

"Hey, are you ok? You look a little...hmm..." She speaks, trying to sum up the word.

"Hurt" Josh finished

"Yeah! Hurt. Why are you hurt?" She questioned, a worried expression covering her face.

"I'm not hurt." I mumbled, lying down on the bed as I looked up at the ceiling. She lay down beside me.

"I don't believe that." Clem muttered, shaking her head a little. Josh gave me a puzzled expression, but I shook it off. He doesn't like you Ari, get over it. That kiss was just out of pure adrenaline for finding Clem. It didn't mean anything.

The doors of my hospital room creak open, and the pitter-patter of feet indicate that someone's came in, most likely a doctor. The doctor appears beside my bed like a flash.

"Hello Ari, you seem fine enough to go home tomorrow" he indicates, flipping his mop of brown hair out of his stormy grey eyes.

"Thank you" I mumbled, still looking up.

The doctor left the room, just as quickly as he had came. Clem turned her head to me, trying to read my expression.

"Are you bored?"

"Yes" I replied, nodding my head. "I've been bored ever since I got here"

"So thatsssss why you were upset, because you were bored!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands together. I laughed. Clem was so happy about Figuring the wrong answer out, but I didn't want to burst her bubble.

"Yup" I nodded in reply. A large smile broke across her face, brightening the room even more.

-The Next Day-

' Finally, I can go!' I thought to myself, gently pulling my shoes over my cold feet. Quickly, I put my jacket on and went out of the hospital, finally free from all of the mechanical things and the feeling of isolation. Katie and Sam were picking me up today, since they had Clem with them. My stuff is at home, because Josh took it there yesterday after I had been told that I could go tomorrow. I could see the figure of Clem tapping her heels on the ground impatiently, scanning the horizon. Sam and Katie were just talking, keeping an eye on Clem at all times. They must be just as wary as I am about losing her again. I can understand that. I think she must have spotted me, because she raises her hand as high as possible and waved furiously at me, her body swaying with the effort. I waved back, but not as furiously as she did. Before I knew what was coming, Clem ran over. She couldn't stop in time, so we both fell over, a tangle of legs. The familiar pain coursed through my body, but I pushed it down.

"Hi Clem, could you get off me?"

I laughed, pushing her away gently and standing up shakily off the ground.

"Sorryyyyyyy" She mumbled in reply, wrapping her arms around my waist, since that's how tall she is. She's average height, but I'm quite tall.

We walked over to the car, the fierce wind blowing in our faces, the coldness nipping hard.

"Get in!" Sam exclaimed. I got into the car, and we drove away from the hospital, away from all the feeling of isolation. I'm free.


Sooooo? It was kinda a boring chapter, I know I soz but I needed a filler I guess, just to get her outta the hospital! Hehe






(It's hard, trust me Ive done it)


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