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Hannah woke up with a horrendous hangover the next morning. It was obvious that she was not the same teenager anymore who could do even three night outs in a row. Her body weighed tons and as soon as she sat up in her bed she fell back onto the pillows again, groaning in annoyance. She did not miss this feeling at all.

It took her a couple minutes but she eventually got up because she knew damn well that if she stayed in that bed even for a second more she would have never got out of it again. She dragged herself down the stairs and into the kitchen to make herself some tea and although they say it's best to have a greasy breakfast if you're hungover, she couldn't bare even the thought of sausages and bacon and such things, let alone digest them.

She made a pile of toast instead that was more than enough for even two people so when Lily arrived with a chirpy “good morning” all she had to do was to take a seat and enjoy her meal. Hannah knew very well what was coming: a torturous hour (she knew Lily wouldn't let her go too soon and quite honestly now that she was sat hugging her mug and munching on a toast she didn't want to move from her spot either) of Lily nagging her for details about the night before.

She didn't feel like sharing though; mostly because she still didn't know what or how to feel about everything – Finn, Finn and Daisy, or even that Henry (or was it Harry?). Mostly though she didn't want to start thinking or feeling so she decided to just sink into her hangover; not get dressed, watch TV, and to eat crisps and popcorn and all those goodies until it was time to go to bed again.

Lily indeed tried to start some kind of a conversation but Hannah just groaned or answered shortly with a simple bark of a yes or no so she soon gave up and left to meet up with her friends. Although she wasn't happy with how Hannah was acting, it still was a slight reminder of who she used to be and the 15 year-old girl was content with herself – after all, she was the one who initiated the date.

The boost of confidence showed in her whole appearance as well; it gave her steps a little bounce and her whole figure some kind of a grace, which made all heads turn after her as she passed people on the streets, which happened most of the time anyway.

The lazy Sunday passed just like Hannah had planned it to; she spent it doing absolutely nothing. Usually she would spend her weekends doing some housework but her body felt useless after yesterday and anyways she thought she deserved a weekend off of her own usual life. The next day was Monday, which meant a beginning of another week and the cycle seemed endless.

She had to go to work, then come home and work at home again. Do the washing up, iron the piled up clothes or if there were none then do the laundry, cook some dinner for her and Lily who only arrived home around dinner time, hoover the rooms, dust the furniture, polish the floors and the list could go on and on. She almost constantly felt tired but someone had to do all these things since there was no-one else around except for Hannah and Lily.

Sometimes she felt worried; she gave up all her ambitions and her entire future really and now she was stuck in the little town doing housework and shifts at a clothing store to earn themselves some money. She had nowhere to move on to, nothing to wait for, no-one to wait for. This is what made her to give in and go to that club weeks prior or to the pub the evening before.

Because she wanted to do something, something that reminded of herself and what she used to have and something that might bring her out of this swamp of a so called life she felt stuck in. But she couldn't comletely let go because she had a little sister to take care of. Hannah fell into the common mistake of not realising that people grow up and in some aspects of life it was now Lily herself who took care of Hannah, just like last night.

Hannah fell asleep quite early due to her weakened hungover system. Work the next day flew by quickly; there weren't many customers, probably because the Christmas season wasn't really close yet and nothing else could have got the people to leave their homes in this weather. It was unsurprisingly raining but it wasn't just that, it was extremely cold and there was fog everywhere. All in all, if possible, people just stayed indoors.

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