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There was a solid knock on the door; it wasn't confident or faint, nor did it have any other special characteristics – it was just a knock after all –, yet Hannah knew immediately who was waiting outside.

It didn't take much to find out; Hannah had just got home from work an hour ago, and there was really just one person who would come over around this time. She took a quick glance in the mirror in the hall, fixed her hair and pulled on her shirt before opening the door.

She immediately went for an embrace which Harry enthusiastically reciprocated – a bit too much, actually. Once Hannah had thrown her arms around his neck and his arms had wound around her waist he leaned on her playfully, putting the pressure (literally) of holding them both up on the much tinier Hannah.

She squealed and they started to tumble backwards, but before they could fall over (and flatten Hannah out) Harry regained his balance and held Hannah close as he straightened up. She looked up to him to scold him but her words got caught in her throat because firstly, he just looked so utterly exhausted that she suddenly felt sorry for him; secondly, he dipped his head and crashed his lips to hers.

As he kissed her, Harry hummed in approval, “Hmm...” kiss, “your...” kiss, “lips...” kiss, “taste...” kiss, “delicious.”

Hannah chuckled, her mouth still occupied by Harry's.

“Yeah that's my lip balm you weirdo... Hey! Stop licking it off!”

“But they taste like cherries,” he gave her one lest peck.

Hannah laughed and led him to the kitchen where she had some dinner already done. Harry seemed to appreciate her efforts as he sat down and basically licked his plate clean. He devoured absolutely everything; Hannah had to fight him for a small amount to save for Lily.

After Harry whining a bit they ascended the stairs to Hannah's room and as he was climbing in front of her Hannah drooled a bit over how hot his back looked. It was funny really; she had seen all of him yet she was still completely mesmerised (and turned on) by his back.

There was just something about how manly it looked and how his T-shirt hung perfectly on him, letting everyone know that yeah, there was something pretty muscular underneath but hey I'm not allowing you to see just yet.

When Harry stopped before her room's door (he was just polite like that, not entering before he was invited in), Hannah was still staring at the muscles moving slightly as he lifted his hand to run it through his hair, so she basically walked into him.

“Oh... sorry,” she blushed and passed him to go into her room. Harry followed and with a deep sigh he flopped down on her bed. Just by the fact that he didn't pick on her gushing about his body Hannah knew something was up. “What's wrong?”

“I'm so tired. I barely had any sleep last night and then I had to work 12 hours today. Twelve!”

Hannah furrowed her brows. “Twelve? What is it that you work again?”

“I have several jobs. I had to work a shift in the restaurant today and also babysit the Foster kids.” Harry mumbled, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes.

“You babysit?” Hannah stiffled a laugh but after a few seconds she burst out giggling.

Harry glared at her and suddenly shot up to grab her and drag her down to the bed with him. Hannah let out a tiny scream in surprise and then Harry started tickling her but she just groaned.

“Don't try that with me, I'm not ticklish.”

“At all?” Harry seemed disappointed, his fingers roaming her body trying to find a spot that would make her erupt in fits of laughter. Hannah shook her head and remained still. (He didn't know that her feet were the only ticklish part of her body, but they really were.)

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