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Harry stayed for dinner and a little bit after that night, just until his clothes were nice warm and dry. They kept the conversation light and it was only small talk really since Lily was right there as well. It didn't stop Hannah from stealing glances at Harry's naked body and Harry from admiring Hannah though.

The three started watching a movie to kill time while Harry's clothes were drying. Hannah sat down on the sofa and the guest took a seat next to her but when Lily saw that she just had to squeeze herself between the two to “stop anything”; she still didn't know who this new face was and she didn't trust him.

This – and the girls' choice of film, which was 27 Dresses – made Harry stand up rather swiftly after the first fifteen minutes saying his clothes must be alright now and he ran upstairs to get dressed. Lily siezed the opportunity to interrogate her sister; half shouting, half whispering.

“Who the hell is he? What the fck?"

“Lily stop it! He is the guy, you know from the club, who saved me from that uncomfortable situation and we met at the pub Saturday, too. He seems nice and he was pissed and clearly underdressed sitting in the rain, I couldn't leave him there!”

“Well why didn't you take him home then, Mother Theresa? That would have been completely enough.”

“Yes but... he didn't want to go home or something...” Hannah mumbled.

“Right well I know you haven't really been yourself for... a couple years now, but you don't just bring home a drunk guy who you don't even know! Do I really need to teach you life lessons?” Lily couldn't believe how naïve her sister was acting. She wanted her to live a little yes, but not go to such extremes.

Their little quarrel had to end there however, because Harry came downstairs, now fully dressed. He pretended like he didn't hear any of what went on between the sisters and smiled innocently.

“Well... thank you for your hospitality. It was lovely of you. Both of you.” he glanced at Lily with a knowing look. Hannah was in a bit of a daze; now that she knew what was hidden under those clothes she couldn't help but notice how well the simple black T-shirt adorned his torso, all the lines and muscles could be seen and Hannah had a hard time focusing back on the conversation.

She realised that while she was in a whole other world of fantasies like Harry naked on a bed on top of her, a layer of sweat covering his body, his eyebrows pulled together in concentration, the black T-shirt long forgotten in the corner of the room; both the guy of her daydreams and Lily were staring at her expectantly.

“Right, right, well erm... I'll take you home then.” She hoped to God that she said the appropriate words because she wasn't even sure where her mouth was. Harry's smirk was all the proof she needed that she had been caught drooling.

She cleared her throat and left the room with her chin up (gotta keep some of that dignity) to put on her shoes and coat. Harry followed her out to her car, luckily the rain had subsided to a simple rain instead of the downpour earlier but he still needed a way to get home since he lived on the other side of town. He hesitated for a moment, whether he should open the car door for her or not; he thought that was the polite thing to do and he always did that, but after all it was her own car why should he do that?

After 5 minutes of awkwardly standing there and pondering over such things – Hannah had been already seated in the vehicle – he finally got in himself.

“So... Can I take you home now?” Hannah felt weird, she remembered that he hadn't wanted to go home when she'd found him hence he spent the time sobering and drying up in her home, but she didn't know the reasons. Harry nodded and gave her directions but after a while Hannah just couldn't contain herself and asked what'd been bothering her. “Why didn't you want to go home anyway?”

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