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It took everything in Lily to go home. She was the definition of stubborn, although she knew that this time she had gone too far. She was hurt and embarrassed when Hannah walked in on her and Ben's heated actions and she didn't care what left her mouth.

Obviously she didn't mean half of what she said, at least not to that extent. She was more than grateful that she had at least her sister and Lily now understood what Hannah had given up so just she could keep Lily. So Monday, just like every other day she went home around 6. She was sure the beat of her heart could be heard in as far as Australia when she stepped into the house and shouted a hello as if nothing had happened.

Hannah smirked to herself as she came out of the kitchen. Lily was standing in the living room, putting on a casual facade but her eyes gave her away and she was fiddling with her fingers nervously. Hannah thought she'd put on a mask too, so she crossed her arms and painted a scowl on her face. In all honesty, she'd missed Lily dearly and she was ready to forgive her, though not that easily.

“What are you doing here?”

“I... I'm sorry, Hannah okay? You were acting stupid and...”

“Oh don't try to make this out to be my fault!” This time, Hannah didn't have to pretend anger.

“Okay then... I didn't like your reaction and it was embarrassing in front of Ben so I might have said a few things that I didn't exactly mean.”

Might have? Exactly?”

“Hannah! I'm really trying here okay? I was a twat, please don't hate me.” By the end, Lily dropped the act and ran to her sister, hugging her tightly. For a moment she was 10 again, trying to find comfort and turning to her sister for just that. To Lily's relief Hannah returned the hug willingly.

“Come on, I ordered pizza.”

“Ordered? You didn't even make the effort to prepare some posh meal for me? A welcome home kind of thing?”

“Too soon, Lily.” Hannah laughed and the girls took plates and the pizza into the living room to watch some TV whilst eating.

It had definitely been a long day, but it didn't stop Lily to climb under Hannah's blanket and talk before going to bed like they always did. She told her about Ben and how all around amazing he was the entire weekend (Hannah tried to be like a girlfriend and squeal at the right moments despite the fact that all she wanted to do was to murder the poor guy). After a bit of hesitation, the older sister decided to spill, too. Although she didn't quite know how to start so she just went for it.

“Harry came over Friday and we got high and had sex.” she rushed the words and squeezed her eyes shut, a bit ashamed that she'd just told that to her little sister. The next moment however, her eyes popped opened and widened because Lily let out an ear piercing scream.

“You WHAT?”

“I... I don't even know. I was angry and he had told me before that he had some stuff and I just wanted to do something outrageous and then he was just here and I was so high and he was so hot and... yeah.”

“Was it good? Was the sex good?” Lily was very straightforward to say the least. Hannah blinked a few times then remembered that most probably sex was what her sister was doing the whole weekend so she really shouldn't be surprised.

“It was... mind blowing. Well, what I can remember at least.”

Lily chuckled. “Oh my God... I told you he was suspicious! He probably would have shagged you when you brought him here the first time if I hadn't come home.”

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