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 Hannah immediately shot up and basically jumped out of the bed.

“What the hell is she doing home?” she mumbled to herself while hurriedly putting on her clothes. Harry stayed lying in bed, unphased, just watching Hannah with a smile. “Quick...”

“What? Do you want me to hide in the closet?” Harry asked with a smirk and his eyebrows pulled up. Hannah let out a grunt but she let it go.

“Just put on some clothes and wait a few minutes so that I can prepare her or something.”

She quickly left her room and ran downstairs whilst trying to tame her hair that could definitely give her previous actions away. She was trying to act casual but a bit too casual for Lily not to notice.

“Well hello there, how come you're home so early?” Hannah cleared her throat because her voice was rather raspy – another giveaway.

Lily arched her eyebrows at her. “Are you really that lame that when you have the whole house to yourself, you go to sleep?”

Hannah let out a nervous laugh; right, that's exactly what she had been doing. She should have been offended that Lily didn't even consider the obvious answer for her dishevelled hair, hoarse voice, and the fact that she apparently put on her clothes inside out, but she was in fact relieved. Well, kind of because she realised that she still had a (hopefully no longer) naked guy upstairs who could only leave the house through the front door. She could already hear him close her bedroom door.

“Actually, I had a... friend over,” she stumbled over the right term. “You remember Harry?”

By the time she'd finished her poor “preparation”, Harry stepped into the hall to join the girls. Lily wore a shocked expression that quickly changed into a sly smirk on her face.

“Oh, that friend. Right. Remind me not to go near your bed tonight.”

Hannah blushed at her sister's words slightly but Harry apparently still couldn't care less as he laughed at Lily's remark. His hand brushed over Hannah's bum and hip as he passed her, getting his coat off the rack and putting his shoes on.

“Well, I'd better get going now. I'll text you?” Hannah just nodded and she had a stupid smile on as she watched Harry exit her house and walk down the street, her eyes lingering on his muscular back and fine arse. She only awoke from her trance when Lily repeatedly snapped her fingers in her delirious face.

“Jesus Christ, you're whipped.”

“What? Am not! Just because I appreciate his physical features, that doesn't mean I'm head over heels for him or something. I really only know his name. And his... “ she motioned around below her waist. Lily scrunched up her face and pretended to gag but Hannah laughed and brushed it off.

“So did you get your work done?”

“Oh yeah it was actually fun and almost everyone turned up so we finished quicker than we'd thought we would.” Lily had a glow in her eyes and her sister didn't fail to notice it.

“So... did a certain Benjamin turn up as well?” Hannah was a bit hesitant to ask the question; the whole Lily - Benjamin subject was still a touchy one between the sisters.

“Well, yeah.” Lily blushed, which was a rare occurrence. “He was so nice, I really like him, Hannah.”

Hannah decided against warning her sister about the dangers of giving herself to someone emotionally and all and flashed a warm smile to her. She has to learn these things through her own experiences (and sometimes mistakes) and anyway, her life maybe won't turn out to be as fucked up and completely ruined as Hannah's did.

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