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Days had passed and Harry and Hannah created a pattern. Every day after she got off work at 5, she went home where Harry was either already waiting for her or he arrived a few minutes later. Lily was told not to go home before about 7 (which she wouldn't have done anyway), and she was even allowed to spend that time at Benjamin's.

Hannah and Harry spent their time together doing what they always did: having sex. They learned so much about each other's body that the whole experience could send Hannah into a state of ecstasy. Repeatedly.

They didn't just stay under the sheets though. Harry occasionally stayed even after Lily had come home and they had dinner and watched films whilst feasting on icecream. Hannah was unutterably happy.

Harry and Lily had warmed up to each other eventually; they even got to the level that they were bickering and picking at each other like an actual brother and sister. One night, when the sisters were hiding under Hannah's blanket, Lily declared that Harry was actually pretty cool. That's when Hannah knew she gave her blessing to them.

But there wasn't really anything to give a blessing to. They never mentioned any kind of feelings or labels. For all Hannah knew, Harry was still with Liz. She wasn't looking for a relationship either. They just enjoyed each other's company and that was all. Sometimes Hannah thought about morals and stuff but these ideas were never long-lived.


Hannah was reading a book on her bed whilst Harry was lying next to her, texting. From time to time a grin would spread across his face and he shifted on the covers. After watching him for a couple minutes, Hannah put her reading down.

“What is it?”

Harry's head snapped up at her. “Huh? Oh, erm... I'm just texting.”

Hannah flashed a smile and went back to her book. She couldn't focus though and after his third smirk she light-heartedly spoke up again.

“Who's this funny?”

“It's just Liz. She is completely mental.” Harry shook his head with the same stupid grin on his face.

Hannah just let out a quiet “oh” and buried her face behind her hair when hanging her head down towards her book again. She felt so pathetic that there she was, in the same bed with him, and the boy next to her decided to text another girl. Even if the other girl was the girlfriend (who was being cheated on – several times), she still felt hurt.

Harry examined her hidden complexion and suddenly felt like the biggest dick on this planet. He pushed his phone under Hannah's nose and showed her the text field. Hannah focused on the object and furrowed her brows.

“Why are you showing me her dirty texts and nude photos?”

“Because I want you to see what she's doing. She's completely mental; yes, in the sense that no sane and self-respecting woman would willingly take photos of herself in her underwear in the bathroom at work for a man. She's fucking desperate, she's always been, you know how she basically forced herself upon me.

“She's fit. It's entertaining seeing her texting me these photos. It makes me laugh how she tries to be flirty through messages. But she doesn't intrigue me. I don't want to get to know everything about her. She basically hands me the physical part of her on a silver plate, and after that I don't care about everything else, thank you.” he finished, lightly nudging her nose with his.

Hannah felt her tummy tingle. “And do I? Intrigue you?”

“You kidding me?” Harry laughed. “You are a closed book, I don't know what you're thinking half the time and it's infuriating. But I like getting to know one page at a time. If you let me, that is.”

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