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Despite his promise to spend more time with each other, Hannah didn't see Harry the whole weekend. He sent her a quick text Saturday morning that he was going to visit his friend (Nick? Neil? Niall?) in Ireland for two days but he'd be back on Monday.

Hannah spent her weekend just like always and for the first time in a couple days she had enough time to catch up on some sisterly gossip with Lily. Benjamin asked her out officially when he'd come over and she was completely over the moon.

After they had discussed every possible detail of Lily's life, the conversation reached the topic of Hannah and Harry as well. Hannah was slightly uncomfortable under Lily's inquisitive gaze and neverending questions.

“So what's the deal with you two?”

Hannah chuckled. “I told you; it's nothing serious, we're just enjoying each other's company.”

“Yeah but every day?” Lily arched her eyebrows. Hannah only shrugged. “So you like him?”

“I... yes. He's really fun and a nice guy and … I don't know, he just understands, Lily.”

“What do you mean?”

“He doesn't pity me. He isn't pushy and forcing himself on me. But at the same time he's so gentleman-like and makes me feel good.” Hannah mumbled.

Lily glared at her, suggesting something with her eyes but deciding not to speak anyway. After a couple more minutes she eventually went to sleep in her own bed, leaving Hannah with a spiral of thoughts.


Hannah had every intention to sleep in on Monday. Her shift at the shop only started at 2 pm and Lily said she would be okay with just buying something for lunch so everything was sorted for a lie in.

Usually this is when life decides to say something like “lol no”.

The doorbell rang through the house with an annoying shrill and Hannah groaned into her pillow. It was only 10 for God's sake, what kind of a lie in was that? She eventually scrambled out of bed and pulled on a pair of leggings with a hoodie, not making any effort for whoever it was ringing the bell again and knocking on the door as well.

“I swear to God, if it's some naughty kid playing pranks I...” she grumbled to herself.

She swung the door open, squinting in the harsh light that suddenly swam into the house that was still darkened by the heavy curtains.

“Good morning sunshine! Have you just woken up?”

A grinning Harry was standing in the doorway, two cups of coffee and a paper bag in hand. Hannah just rolled her eyes and turned around (partly because she didn't want Harry to see the enormous smile that formed on her face, happy to see him again), trudging back inside. Harry followed her after kicking the door shut with his foot.

“Is this how you welcome your lover back?” he asked with a fake pout and a teasing glint in his eyes that informed Hannah that he didn't take his own words seriously.

Hannah let out a chuckle at last and right after Harry sat - what she assumed was - their breakfast down on the counter she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

“Hmm... something's still missing...” Harry teased and Hannah pushed him away.

“If you're being insatiable, you're not getting anything.”

After that, Harry followed her around like a puppy while she took out plates for the croissants that were revealed from the paper bag, constantly apologising and uttering promises, saying that he “deserved a nice kiss since he was gone the whole weekend and was forced to spend it with mates who didn't have boobs”.

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